FlashReport Weblog on California Politics
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Dem George Soros Dumps Big $$$ In California DA’s Races
The man who broke the Bank of England, Democratic mega-donor George Soros, is using his wealth and influence in United States elections. And now he is trying to flip District Attorney races across the country. The Soros-funded California Justice and Public Safety PACis investing heavily in the district attorney’s races in Sacramento and San Diego.
It is no secret that Soros uses his billions of dollars to influence government politics. He is credited with and has acknowledged orchestrating coups in Croatia, Georgia,… Read More

How Jerry Brown Has Undermined The Rule of Law in California
A recent report from the FBI claims to offer proof that violent crime is down in cities throughout California. However, the FBI stats do not include the affect of Proposition 47, passed in November of 2014.
Recent local data show crime is rising in 2015 throughout the state, and particularly in large cities.
Recidivism is a huge problem with prison realignment. Yet, Liberals will likely use the FBI report to argue crime is down in California – but nothing could be further from the truth.
Let’s look at how Gov. Jerry Brown… Read More

Katy Grimes: California’s Biggest Penal Experiment In Modern History Gets Worse
California embarked on a “grand experiment” in 2011 with a massive prison downsizing. Responding to a 2009 order by a federal three-judge panel, California had to reduce its overpopulated prisons by 25 percent within two years. This amounted to a reduction of nearly 46,000 prisoners, within a very short time period. The state appealed but the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the mandate in May 2011, in a 5-4 decision. In a dissenting opinion, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said it was “perhaps the most radical injunction issued by a court in our nation’s history.”