California Republican Party Platform Drafting Committee Makes Cuts….in Conservative Ideas.
The CRP Platform Drafting Committee drafted a platform to present to the entire platform committee thinks they have a solution for winning election.
Stand for nothing. Pretend we are Democrats and all will be well.
For at least two decades liberals in the party have wanted to water down parts of the platforms that deal with protecting innocent human life, the family and protecting the second amendment. Saturday they got their chance and adopted a platform that does that. The proposed platform deletes over 98% of all the language on those issues.
There is more said about “Defending Agriculture” then protecting marriage or the unborn.
There are some suggestions that were recommended by the committee that make this watered down platform slightly better. Think of it as the first stage of treating waste water. Would you still want to drink it?
Amendments to add in the current pro-life plank and current statement on marriage and the family only received two votes (Myself and Craig DeLuz). The committee ended debate to avoid an amendment to keep the current Right to Keep and Bear Arms Section.
In the debate about the marriage issue, it… Read More