Cowards With Pens, Laptops and Government Badges
The recent Paris World Climate Summit, a gigantic diversion, allowed cowardly world leaders, and the cowardly mainstream media to avoid dealing with the skunk on the table – Islamist Terrorism.The cowardly Obama administration led the way to consensus of an international climate change treaty at the Paris Summit, which will do little or nothing to reduce carbon (also known as plant food).
This World Climate Summit took place in Paris, almost immediately following the November 13 murders of 140 people in Paris, by Islamic terrorists.
The response following the Paris attack, and more recent San Bernardino attack, from the mainstream media, clearly synchronized with the Democratic National Committee, has been woefully ho-hum, demonstrating contemptible levels of cowardice.
And instead of hunkering down and reassuring Americans that our government and military will protect us, Obama shifted his fourth-grade attention span to climate change.
This faux-Treaty will only serve to decrease fossil fuel use in developed countries, while extorting billions more from the pockets of U.S. and European taxpayers, for redistribution to developing… Read More