How many tax increases will ‘fix’ California?
There are 230 bond, tax and fee increase proposals on the 2012 ballot in California. Gov. Jerry Brown’s Proposition 30 tax increase measure is the least of voters’ problems this election.
There are 100 school bond measures on the ballot throughout California. There are more than 30 sales tax increase initiatives, business tax increases, parcel taxes, utility taxes, and hotel taxes. There are even tax increase measures for sodas and abandoned-cars.
How many tax increases will “fix” California?
The answer is easy. None.
What’s really wrong California?
Local governments would have everyone in the state believe that they are struggling to make ends meet. But they grossly misuse the word “struggle.” The only downsizing done in local government has been to cut the lower paid employees who probably weren’t eligible for pensions anyway.
In Sacramento, the City Council is pushing hard to pass several ballot initiatives:
* Measure Q: Sacramento City Unified School District;
* Measure R: Sacramento City Unified School District;
* Measure T: Sacramento (City of) Mandates on Garden and Yard Refuse… Read More