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Katy Grimes

CA Air Resources Board – No Legislative Oversight, No Rules, and Nothing to Stop It

The California Air Resources Board is a state agency completely out of control. With no oversight by the Legislature, as the California Constitution calls for, Mary Nichols, ARB Chairman, is setting policy on behalf of this regulatory body, for the entire state.

ARB Goes It Alone

The ARB has taken a great deal of liberty, particularly with its interpretation of AB 32, California’s Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. TheARB devised a cap-and-trade system whereby it holds a quarterly auction program “requiring many California employers to bid significant amounts of money for the privilege of continuing to emit carbon dioxide — or be faced with closing their doors in California, laying… Read More

Katy Grimes

Statists turn to drought for control in California

Sinclair Lewis wrote “It Can’t Happen Here” in 1935, a fictional story about a populist state Senator who is elected President on

campaign promises of economic and social reforms, and a return to patriotism and traditional values. After winning the presidency by appealing to the interests of ordinary Americans, the new President instead takes over the government, imposes totalitarian rule with the help of a ruthless paramilitary force. The new President’s government abolishes women’s and minority rights, and eliminates states’ rights by subdividing the country into federal administrative sectors. The new government imposes statist control of all aspects of… Read More

Katy Grimes

Humane Society Charity Rating Revoked

The Humane Society’s seemingly undue influence on the legislative process last year made for an interesting story. This national, non-profit, media darling, animal rescue group was able to push through the California lead ammunition ban, as well as successfully getting all of their other sponsored bills signed into law by California Gov. Jerry Brown.

Then again, Jennifer Fearing, the Humane Society California senior state director, apparently lobbied Gov. Brown at the dog park; Fearing admitted to dog-sitting for Sutter Brown, Gov. Jerry Brown’s Pembroke Welsh Corgi — while lobbying the Legislature during the 2013 legislative session. (Note: it is unclear if Fearing is still working for the California HSUS. There were job postings for her state director position recently; her Twitter page says she is with the HSUS, but the Read More

Katy Grimes

Latino Legislators Visit Illegal Immigrants but Ignore Fresno Farmworkers

News outletsare giddy with the announcement of atour by theCalifornia Latino Legislative Caucus, of the illegal immigrant detention facilities at theVentura County Naval Base “to inspect the care immigrants are receiving.”

These same California lawmakers have ignored the plight and pleasfor help of thousands of Latino farm workers who are fighting to decertify the United Farm Workers labor union, and the state Agricultural labor Relations Board.

Ironically, this same group of people – Hispanic farm laborers – are the very demographic the Democratic Party is so eager to register to vote in local, state and national political elections. But when it comes to the farm workers not wanting to work under an oppressive union contract, state… Read More

Katy Grimes

‘Husband and Wife’ now gender neutral in California Constitution

“I now declare you legal partners,” will be whatCalifornia judges say at weddings in California. “You may now kiss your gender-neutral partner.”

California’s historic decline is not just limited to bad economic policy; California politicians have been meddling in people’s bedrooms, churches, women’s wombs, classrooms, kitchens, autos, bank accounts, and the courtroom.

In the spirit of this creepy meddling, Gov. Jerry Brownsigned a bill on Monday to do away withCalifornia’s legal references to traditional marriage between a husband and wife.SB 1306by state Sen.Mark Leno, D-San Francisco, replaces references to “husband and wife” with “gender-neutral” language in… Read More

Katy Grimes

Dubious Deal Between Los Angeles School District and SEIU

In a dubious deal between the Service Employees International Union and the Los Angeles Unified School District, minimum-wage workers will receive pay increases to $15 an hour, nearly doubling some workers’ salaries.

The contract agreement will significantly boost the wages of 33,000 bus drivers, janitors, school security, cafeteria workers, and teacher’s aids,… Read More

Katy Grimes

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Statism

“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
 – Ben Franklin

On January 1, I posed the question, “What will Liberty look like in 2014?” Six months later, the only honest answer is “less and less.”

Liberty… Read More

Katy Grimes

On Independence Day, Gerawan Farming Gives Employees Raises

On the eve of the Independence Day, farm workers at Gerawan Farms received notice that their employer is proposing a wage increase to $11.00 per hour.

The minimum wage just went up to $9, July 1. In 2016, the wage will go up to $10 an hour.

While peach and table grape grower Gerawan Farming demonstrates its workers have the freedom to earn the highest industry wages, the Agricultural Labor Relations Board and United Farm Workers labor union continue to deprive the workers of the right to choose.

The ALRB is steadfast in its effort to force a contract on the workers they obviously do not want. The workers knew the contents of that so-called contract when they voted on November 5 to decertify the UFW labor union. In the spirit of Independence Day, the ALRB should finally count the ballots and let freedom ring for the workers.

“Mr. Gerawan has always helped us,” said Silvia Lopez,… Read More

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