Shameless CA Legislators Pass Bill To Allow Them To Live Outside Their Districts
Just as the 2018 legislative session was winding down last week,California lawmakers sent Gov. Jerry Brown a bill that would allow them to live outside the districts in which they were elected and ostensibly represent.
What’s next? Mayors who don’t have to live in the cities in which they were elected? City council members who do not have to live in their council districts?
More than ever, lawmakers should be required to live in the cesspool districts in which they were elected in order to be inspired to facilitate change.
It was only a few years ago when Sen. Rod Wright, D-Inglewood, was convicted of perjury and voter fraud for lying about his legal residence in Los Angeles County. Today his Democrat predecessor in the sameLos Angeles District 35, Sen. Steven Bradford, is the author of the outrageousSenate Bill 1250.
Los Angeles District 35 may not be a lovely district, but the people who live there deserve representation, and they need to know that their representative… Read More