Gov. Brown’s Latest Tax Increase May Have Republican Support
“If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.”
~Ronald Reagan
Despite California’s highest-in-the-nation taxes, a couple of Assembly Republicans have allegedly agreed to vote for Gov. Jerry Brown’s tax on health plans in the State of California.
Even if Brown is able to convince health insurers, he needs a two-thirds majority vote from the Legislature. And this is where Republican votes come in. Currently, Democrats do not have a supermajority, and need to peel off a couple of Republican votes for tax increases.
Predictably, Brown has been trying to convince Republicans his health plan tax is really “tax reform.”
“This is not a tax increase, no matter what anyone tells you,” he said during his State of the State address.
“It will be pretty easy to tell if this is a tax increase, or some sort of revenue neutral swapping of one tax for another,” said Jon Fleischman, publisher of the Flash… Read More