CA Lawmaker Proposing New Agency to Help Illegal Aliens Access More Benefits
Free education… financial aid… student loans… low-cost auto insurance… free health care… free legal aid… California is the Golden State once again, but not for legal residents and citizens. California’s more than three million illegal aliens are enjoying many benefits the state’s legal residents and taxpayers do not. And it comes at a very heavy financial burden — legal residents are not just paying for their own health care, rent, transportation, food and education, they are paying for illegal aliens’ as well.
According to the Federation for Immigration Reform, the annual expenditure of California state and local tax dollars on services for the illegal alien population is $25.3 billion. That total amounts to a yearly burden of about $2,370 for a household headed by a U.S. citizen.
California lawmakers are harming taxpayers and millions of impoverished, economically depressed, legal California residents — and especially minority communities of black and Hispanic citizens.This is what’s known as “willful… Read More