Radical Feminists Troll Rep. McClintock, Then Claim Victimhood
Recently radical activists forced California GOP Rep. Tom McClintock to need police escorts out of district town hall meetings when things turned violent.
Yet in anotherhit pieceon McClintock Wednesday, the Sacramento Bee clearly sided with the same feminist activists who trolled his district town hall meetings, and then claimed the Congressman’s office threatened them when they call in.
The Bee writer, Anita Chabria, whoclaimsto be a “race, immigration and social justice reporter,” interviewed three women for the article who claim to be victims.“They started saying that we were impeding … the functioning of a federal office and that we were in violation of a federal law,” said Alisa Jaffe Holleron. “I felt like it was threatening. I felt like they were telling me I was breaking a law and if you break a law you can get in trouble.”… Read More