The News Crisis: Entertainment, Activism, and No Accountability
Every disaster brings with it the predictable hysterical 24/7 news cycle.
The OJ Simpson trial of 1995 was a classic example of the news media turning the trial into a circus. The pundits and commentators described everyday’s events like a football game, notedGerald Uelmen,Santa Clara professor of law, and co-counsel for the defense in the O.J. Simpson trial.
The entertainment factor won out over reporting events. ”Once they came to a conclusion as to the appropriate outcome, they tended to attach greater weight to the evidence supporting that outcome and lesser weight to the evidence undercutting it,” Uelmen said. “We all wear tinted lenses, but we don’t all wear blinders.”
News rooms of the Left
Today, entire newspapers and newsroomsact likearms of theleft, while still claiming to be unbiased. A friend in the newspaper business for 40 years slightly disagreed with my assessment, and explainedmost of them aren’t purposely left-biased in the sense that they deliberately and consciously distort. He said,… Read More