New Chapter, New Campaign, New Life
It’s true.
I am no longer the Communications Director for the California Republican Party, having stepped down earlier this month to start playing in the Political Consultant’s sandbox. It’s a career that is only slightly more stable than my two previous jobs, radio show host and acting.
The first call I received after the announcement was released was from Jon Fleischman, who immediately offered some prime real estate as an official FlashReport blogger. I said “Yes” before he finished the word “blogg—”.
I look forward to writing about all kinds of political news in this space (Lord knows in California alone, there’s plenty to write about) and I’m especially looking forward to offering my perspective on Jerry’s shiny pony tax hike plan as it moves toward November like the political equivalent of the Bataan Death March.
And I’ve been overwhelmed by the kind words and encouragement that friends and peers have sent, and humbled at compliments from the press corps. I’m sure you’re all deranged, or that you owe me dinner.
Meanwhile, I need to keep my CFO happy. So…time to… Read More