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Katy Grimes

California’s War Against Its Own Citizens

California is out of control. Not only did our politicians immediately declare war on Donald Trump the moment he was elected, they also declared war on the people of the state.

In our recent book,California’s War Against Donald Trump: Who Wins, Who Loses?my co-author Jim Lacy and I detail California’s decline and how it can rebound.

A quick scan of statewide headlines reveals a great deal about California’s war on the people, by the state’s elite political class and the Democratic… Read More

Katy Grimes

Kavanaugh Hearings: Hysterical Barking Shrews Must Be Prosecuted

The hysterics the past few weeks has indeed not weathered well on America’s so-called feminists who demonstrated once again that they allow feelings to rule over rational thought and logic, in their devotion of Alynski “means-to-an-end” tactics.

In their attempt to run SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh out of Dodgeby protesting his confirmation hearings, their antics have shown just how ridiculous, nonsensical and preposterous they are.

Ironically, they are using “female hysteria” to get away with their anarchy… but it’s just not fooling anyone. During the Victorian era, “female hysteria” was a common medical diagnosis in women. “Galen, a prominent physician from the second century, wrote that hysteria was a disease caused by deprivation in particularly passionate women: hysteria was quite often in virgins, nuns, widows and, rarely, in married women,”… Read More

Katy Grimes

Why is PG&E ‘Clear-Cutting’ City Parks and Private Property?

In addition to the increase in lobbying and money lavished on California lawmakers as they were preparing to vote on a bill to limit Pacific, Gas & Electric’s financial liability in the California wildfires, PG&E has also stepped up its advertising, focusing on all they are doing to prevent future wildfires by cutting trees and bushes around power lines, and cleaning out brush. They are advertising on radio and television about howthe company is setting up special services to deal with weather forecasting and first-responder communications.

It surely makes many… Read More

Katy Grimes

It’s Time to Shut Down The Corrupt California Ag Labor Board

Tuesday September 18, 2018 was the day in which the Gerawan Farming workers’ ballots from 2013 were finally counted after being impounded and locked up for five years by theCalifornia Agricultural Labor Relations Board. Overwhelmingly the workers elected to decertify the United Farm Workers labor union from their workplace: 1,098 for “No Union,” and 197 for the UFW.

Thursday, that the California AgriculturalRead More

Katy Grimes

CA Schools Pushing Racist, LGBT, SJW Agenda on Children

California public schools aren’t your grandfather’s schools any longer. Today’s lesson plans are written by Social Justice Warriors and LGBT activists.

Examples of what’s being taught:

The Santa Barbara Unified School District adopted curriculum from the Institute for Equity in Education, a project of JUSTRead More

Katy Grimes

Sen. Joel Anderson Victimized by Media Collusion, #MeToo, Senate Democrats

California State Sen. Joel Anderson, R-El Cajon, was accused in late August by Stephanie Roberson, a female lobbyist for theCalifornia Nurses Associationlabor union, of threatening to “bitch slap” her and harassing her at a Sacramento Capitol-area bar.

The Senate Rules Committee investigated the incident, and issued their report Tuesday afternoon, complete with a letter of reprimand, and a hearty shame on youto Sen. Anderson for “completely unacceptable behavior.”

It is important to note that nearly every media outlet in California published only the account ofRoberson, despite my interview with Anderson and subsequent… Read More

Katy Grimes

If Gender is ‘Neutral’ In California, Why Mandate More Women on Corporate Boards?

The California Legislature has passed a bill to require large corporations with base operations in the state to put more female directors on their boards. Democrat Senators Hannah Beth Jackson’s and Toni Atkins’ gender quota bill is illegal, and most definitely a precursor of negative outcomes, as recent history shows.

IfSenate Bill 826is signed into law by Democrat Gov. Jerry Brown, publicly traded companies based in the state, and with operations located in other states, will need to have at least one woman on their boards by the end of next year and, on boards of five or more directors, and two or three women by the end of 2021. Companies found violating the law would face fines.

Lawmakers who are not industry leaders never truly understand downstream consequences of regulations… nor do they seem to care. The bill is also a violation of the U.S. Constitution and the California Constitution..

Ironically,Read More

Katy Grimes

Gerawan Farm Workers Finally Get Votes Counted to Decertify UFW Labor Union

Tuesday September 18, 2018 was an historic day in California; it was the day in which the Gerawan Farming workers’ ballots from 2013 were finally counted. Overwhelmingly they elected to decertify the United Farm Workers labor union from their workplace.

This was no secret. So why did the California Agricultural Labor Relations Board take five years to count the ballots, after threatening to destroy them?

The final vote count was 1,098 for “No Union,” and 197 for the UFW. “The employees overwhelmingly rejected the UFW as their bargaining representative – by a 5 to 1 margin – in spite of the ALRB’s last-minute, election day refusal to count approximately640… Read More

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