Texas 2015 COL-adjusted median household income is 32.0% higher than CA — UPDATED April 2018
I’ve updated (April, 2018) my salient household income comparison of California vs. hated Texas. My original figures were from 2009. Since then it’s gotten even better — for Texas.
According to the most recent U.S. census figures I can find, the 2015 median household income in California is significantly higher than Texas:
CA — $64,500 TX — $55,653 — 13.5% less than CA (vs. 18.1% less in 2009). TX is only $122 below the national average of $55,775. https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/publications/2016/demo/acsbr15-02.pdf But compared to the national average cost of living, the California cost of living (2017) is 41.0% higher than the national average, while the Texas COL is 8.8% LOWER than the national average. https://www.missourieconomy.org/indicators/cost_of_living/index.stm … Read More