Climate Change Pimp Gov. Jerry Brown, Ignores Energy Jobs
Thedoomsday predictions of global-warming alarmists would have us believe there are more droughts, more extreme hurricanes and tornados, that arctic snow caps are melting, and all coastal cities are in danger of rising seas.
Convinced the sky is falling, Henny Penny and a band of gullible friends march off to tell the king, only to meet their end at the hands of a wily fox.”Thesky is falling!” Henny Penny said, in a silly tale about a chicken who believes the world is coming to an end.
Does this sound familiar? The defacto leader of “The Sky is Falling” Chicken Little Party, Gov. Jerry Brown warned in 2016,“If Trump turns off the satellites, California will launch its own damn satellite,” after he called Trump a“fraud” at the Democratic National Convention for his continued denial of global warming.
When President Donald Trump pulled the… Read More