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Katy Grimes

Sacto City Council Announces Taxpayer Funded Appeal Against Infill Project Developer

Sacramento Developer Petrovich Spent $50 Million Cleaning Up Toxic Rail Yard, While City Council Spent $800,000 in Legal Fees To Stop His Development

Part ll ofCalifornia Sh*thole: Leftist Politicians Playing Politics With CA Businesses

Sacramento Developer Paul Petrovich won his lawsuit against the City of Sacramento. The City’s answer?… Appeal using taxpayer funded lawyers.

On a drive throughout the City of Sacramento you’ll see everything… Read More

Katy Grimes

California Sh*thole: Leftist Politicians Playing Politics With CA Businesses

For many years I have written about the horrendous challenges California business owners face because of legislatively-imposed environmental regulations, business-killing regulations and labor laws, hostile politicians and city councils, and government-sanctioned labor union attacks on non-union businesses. Few politicians have ever run a business or owned a business, and even fewer appreciate what it takes to grow a business.

Whether it is Gerawan Farming fighting the corrupted California Agriculture Labor Relations Board and United Farm Workers labor union thugs attempting to take over, or Magliteflashlight inventor and company owner Anthony Maglica, who has been in a battle with the State of California over the “Made in the USA” label on his flashlight packaging (exclusively made in California), these and other businesses and employers are under constant siege by the state and local politicians over business… Read More

Katy Grimes

Crybaby Democrats Hate American Prosperity at SOTU

Here are all of my comments from the State of the Union last evening, along with a few others who joined me at Tom Del Beccarro’s Political Vanguard: Read More

Katy Grimes

Oust California Teacher and Councilman Who Called Military ‘Dumbsh*ts’

I’m just a Navy mom of a United States Naval Academy graduatewho is currently a Navy special ops officer, and has had two long Middle East deployments. I wasn’t going to weigh in on the liberal California councilman and public school teacher who told his students “military Are ‘dumbsh*ts” and “lowest of our low.” That is, until I read that the school district officials of Gregory Salcido, El Rancho High School history teacher and a current member of thePico Rivera City Council, were covering for him, even after he said when speaking about our military, “They’re the frickin’ lowest of our low,” in one of three videos that surfaced last week.

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Katy Grimes

Sh*thole California Part lll: Democrat Mafia To Extort Profits From CA Businesses

California’s Democrats are on an accelerated path of destruction of the once Golden State. In Parts l and ll of my series on how California’s leftist Democrats have turned the Golden State into a sh*thole, I explain how California’s ruling party is doubling down on business-destroying policies, energy destroying policies, education destroying policies, and policies destroying California’s abundant natural resources. The new law claiming sanctuary state status is blatantly unconstitutional, as is “legalizing” marijuana.

But Wait!!! There’sRead More

Katy Grimes

Solving the Oroville Spillway Mystery

By Lloyd Billingsley and Katy Grimes

The Oroville Spillway mystery only deepened with the recent forensic report; who was the unqualified designer the state hired? Or did they?

Last February, spillway failures sparked fears that Oroville Dam would collapse, forcing the evacuation of 180,000 people. Evacuees, local residents and taxpayers statewide wondered who and what might be responsible for this failure. Some answers are now emerging, despite an ongoing state cover-up.

In the wake of the spillway failure, politicians and water bureaucrats alike began to dam up information on safety issues, blocking access to records about the… Read More

Katy Grimes

How California Democrats Have Turned The Golden State Into A ‘Sh*thole’ Part ll

How many ways can California’s leftist Democrats turn the Golden State into a sh*thole? In Part l I addressed the outbound migration of California’s hard working middle class, as well as millennials choosing low-tax states to live and work. Despite this, California’s ruling party is doubling down on business-destroying policies, energy destroying policies, education destroying policies, and policies destroying California’s abundant natural resources.

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Katy Grimes

How California Democrats Have Turned The Golden State Into A ‘Sh*thole’

This is Part l of a two part series.

The new word of the week accurately describes California.

Despite so-called “progressives” promising their policies will create a Soviet-style worker’s paradise, California’s leftist Democrats have turned the once Golden State into a sh*thole through decades of leftist policies penalizing and demonizing employers, businesses, property owners, innovators, entrepreneurs – and really, anyone who wants to work hard and get ahead. These hard working people are responding by fleeing liberal California for conservative red states.

The perception across America is that California is the state people are leaving. And that… Read More

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