California AMBER Alert Turns 10
As the author of the legislation establishing California’s AMBER Alert program, I joined CHP Assistant Chief Mark Brunet and others today at an event marking its ten year anniversary.
As I noted at the event, the AMBER Alert is government at its best. It protects Californians, which is the first priority of government, and it does so efficiently and effectively.
According to the CHP, this life-saving program has led to the safe recovery of 234 children since it was first implemented statewide in July 2002. In addition to the hundreds of children safely recovered, the AMBER Alert program has also led to the capture of abductors before they could commit further crimes.
I was able to personally see the benefits of the system almost as soon as it came online; the very first AMBER Alert issued happened to be in the area near my home in the Antelope Valley area. In that instance, two young ladies were successfully rescued after a Cal-Trans worker recognized the vehicle described in the alert.
The State of California needed a mechanism in place to assist in recovering our children safe and sound. I’m pleased to have been instrumental in the success… Read More