Gun Control Thrives In California
From the “You Can’t Make This Stuff Up” file, a bill currently in the California Legislature would require BB guns and Airsoft Pellet guns painted bright toy colors so they won’t be mistaken for real guns.
Coloring BB guns (“BB” stands for “ball bullet,”) in bright colors will only give parents and children the impression that they are children’s toys, rather than recreational and target sport guns.
And criminals will start painting their AK 47s hot pink.
Last year, Gov. Jerry Brownsigned 11 gun control billsinto law andvetoedseven. More gun bills are on the firing line this year — even banning some BB guns.
In January, the California Senate passed the BB gun bill,Senate Bill 199, by state Sen. Kevin de Leon, D-Los Angeles, 23 to 8. In June, the Assembly Public Safety Committee passed the bill, 5 to… Read More