Making Water Out of Thin Air: One California Drought Solution
Imagine a way to extract water from humidity in the air, and turn it into a glass of pure drinking water. I just saw a machine do this.
Pacific AirWell provided a water-making demonstration this week on the dead lawn at the Capitol.
With many communities around the state running out of water, and some chronically challenged with very little or contaminated water, these water making machines could be a portable, cost-effective answer for communities, businesses and homes.
“Today’s Capitol demonstration is the hands-on part of ongoing discussions with State officials toexplore innovative ways to reduce the demands upon surface and ground water, and effectivelymitigate California’s drought by improving the State’s drought resiliency,” said Matt Gray, Pacific AirWell CEO. “We are grateful for the support of lawmakers and look forward to bringing reliefto the people of California.”
One of the Pacific AirWell techs filled me in on the operational processes of the machines. Atmospheric water generation is a technology-based process used to condense water… Read More