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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Rail Bond Measure, Prop 1, To Possibly Be Delayed To 2010 Election

Language amending abill to delay Prop 1 from the November 2008 ballot until the November 2010 ballot was accepted on the Assembly Floor today. SB 298 will contain language that will be referred to the proper committees for consideration. I was the floor manager for the amendments, which received a 54-9 vote, with only Dems voting "no" and a bunch not voting, to send the proposal to committee. Delaying a $10 Billion railbond vote during this fiscal mess makes sense to me. We’ll see what happens in the committee process as there isn’t much deadline time left to pull items off of the ballot that the legislature placed there.… Read More

Duane Dichiara

A Nation of Shop Keepers

The Party’s sails were slack. Voters saw it as "callous, bigoted, and sleazy". In ‘blind tastings’ voters who liked the Party’s ideas withdrew approval when they heard which party supported them. In short, the brand was toxic. As politicians and the Party faithful started to lose seats their first strategy was to double down on the issues and message which had done so well, for so long. It didn’t work, and things got worse, much worse, for a long time…

So, with thanks to ten years of The Economist throughout this writing, the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom since Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was in trouble. Since the late 1990’s the Conservatives stumbled through the wilderness in British politics, snagging their coats on every briar along the way. They lost three straight general elections and there was some thought by otherwise reasonable people that the Conservative Party may have outlived itself.

Todaythe generic ballot is 45 Conservative 25 Labor.

Of course, one of thereasons for the re-animation of the Conservative Partyis that, usually, the party in power exhausts itself and… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Costa – The Discreet Charm of Carly Fiorina

From today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary E-mail…

The Discreet Charm of Carly Fiorina

The McCain Administration is shedding officials fast, starting with future Treasury Secretary Phil Gramm. But one who’s hanging in there is former Hewlett Packard Chief Carly Fiorina, ubiquitous as a McCain advisor and advocate on cable TV and the campaign trail. Ms. Fiorina, unlike Mr. Gramm, is always, painfully "on message:" "There are many, many people who would be honored to serve in President McCain’s cabinet and, depending on the opportunity, I would be as well," she explained to reporters last week when questioned about her possible selection as veep.

The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank calls Ms. Fiorina a "risky running… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Fund – The Squirminator

From today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary E-mail…

The Squirminator

My, what changes a few years can make. In 2003, Arnold Schwarzenegger ousted an indecisive governor in California’s recall election by pledging to be a different kind of leader — firm and principled. He told Cigar Aficionado magazine he liked President Bush because he was decisive. "The mood of the people changes all the time. The polls change all the time," he said. "But Bush is staying the course. Even though that pisses some people off, and then the polls go down, he stays on course. In the end that pays off, because people say, well, at least one thing we know: That guy is steady."

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Jon Fleischman

High Speed Rail Boondoggle

There has been a lot of press recently about the upcoming November ballot big-bucks bond measure to establish public financing for a high-speed train service between Northern and Southern California.

Having a train that can wisk you up and down throught the state in just a few hours may, or may not be a good idea. But saddling ALL of California’s residence with bond debt for a service that with benefit relatively few of our state’s residents is wrong, and unfair.

If there is enough of a market for rail travel, then private companies that want to make a go of it can take their future-earnings studies to investors, and get financing to build the train routes and buy the trains.

I am getting sick and tired of people trying to raise taxes or sell bonds to get things paid for that should not be paid for with public moneys. Don’t get me going on public subsidies for sporting arenas.

The High Speed Rail Bonds are Proposition 1 on the ballot this November – be sure to vote no. And be sure that if you see a commercial in support of it, you’ll be able to trace the dollars that paid for the spot directly to those who will… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Democrats Tax Plan Is A Tax On Job Creation And Economic Opportunity

The commentary below was penned exclusively for the FlashReport by State Senator Bob Dutton, the Vice Chairman of the State Senate Budget Committee…

Democrats Tax Plan Is A Tax On Job Creation And Economic Opportunity By Senator Bob Dutton

I try to be optimistic. I have always believed it is better to look at the positive side of things. Better to look at the glass as half full instead of half empty. But I never thought anyone would seriously suggest $10 billion dollars in tax increases when Californians are paying record high gas prices and home prices are in free fall. California also has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country because good paying jobs are leaving this state.Read More

Mike Spence

HELP! I’ve Fallen And I Need Government To Help Me Up!

Not since the Chia Pet or the Clapper has a commercial like the medical alert program featuring a lady that had fallen and couldn’t get help caught the fancy of untold thousands of Americans.

Always looking to be on the edge, the State Senate and soon the State Assembly will pass SCR 77 that would declare the first week of fall as “Fall Prevention Awareness Week”. Get it? First week of fall!

The bill has received no negative votes to date and will pass easily unless there is some activity from the pro-falling lobby (trial lawyers?).

What does it do?

“This measure would urge the California Department of Aging and the area agencies on aging to incorporate fall prevention in their upcoming state and local area master plans and recommend the California Health and Human Services Agency develop standardized definitions and reporting methods that will improve available information on falls. This measure would also recommend that fall prevention guidelines be incorporated into state and local planning documents that affect housing, transportation, parks, recreational facilities,

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Jon Fleischman

Democrats Tax Plan Is A Tax On Job Creation And Economic Opportunity

The commentary below was penned exclusively for the FlashReport by State Senator Bob Dutton, the Vice Chairman of the State Senate Budget Committee…

Democrats Tax Plan Is A Tax On Job Creation And Economic Opportunity By Senator Bob Dutton I try to be optimistic. I have always believed it is better to look at the positive side of things. Better to look at the glass as half full instead of half empty. But I never thought anyone would seriously suggest $10 billion dollars in tax increases when Californians are paying record high gas prices and home prices are in free fall. California also has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country because good paying jobs areRead More