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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

No Vote Today Is a Good Non-Vote For The Budget Process

Tuesday had been the day for a scheduled budget vote as requested by Sen. Perata a week before. The Assembly had none scheduled as it wouldn’t be seen as productive withthe sides so far apart. That changed Friday as Speaker Bass decided that the Assembly should also take an action today with a vote up or down on the budget. Then, yesterday, the Senate canceled their vote and soon the Assembly did too. With Sen. Perata stating that the discussions were warming up to a moreco-operative tone, that holding a vote would only detract from that thawing process, it was a good thing to not go throughwith a for-show only vote today.

With the $9 Billion in new taxes likely to still have been in a Tuesday vote document, no budget reform agreed upon yet, as well as several other important points not agreed upon it would’ve been a waste of everyone’s time to bring up [or down to Sacramento for us northerners] 120 leglslators to go through an exercise that not even the Big 4 can agree on. Much staff time and much printing are required to even do an exercise vote. Then there would be the floor speeches that would go on and on about how… Read More

Today’s Commentary: Challenge, Action & Results

I use a pretty simple tool in my day-to-day work to help clients explain what they intend to do once they are elected or what they have accomplished. I call it a CAR story. Ask yourself what was the CHALLENGE, what ACTION did you take and what were the RESULTS.

In the current budget debate, Republicans have done a better job this year, than in years past of defining the CHALLENGE as a structural problem in the budget process (it doesn’t matter how much money you give to state government, it’s never enough) that needs fixing. Combine the Republican’s message with a decade of the Democrats crying wolf about not enough revenue to balance the budget, higher gas prices and a slowing economy and it is obvious to see why the Democrats usual message of ‘Cuts Hurt’ is falling flat with voters this year.

By talking about budget reform and a need to fix the yearly problems of not having enough money, Republicans have tapped into the mood of the electorate that is exasperated with government’s inability to solve problems. That frustration with government is much stronger today than the need to raise taxes for programs that should… Read More

Challenge, Action & Results

I use a pretty simple tool in my day-to-day work to help clients explain what they intend to do once they are elected or what they have accomplished. I call it a CAR story. Ask yourself what was the CHALLENGE, what ACTION did you take and what were the RESULTS.

In the current budget debate, Republicans have done a better job this year, than in years past of defining the CHALLENGE as a structural problem in the budget process (it doesn’t matter how much money you give to state government, it’s never enough) that needs fixing. Combine the Republican’s message with a decade of the Democrats crying wolf about not enough revenue to balance the budget, higher gas prices and a slowing economy and it is obvious to see why the Democrats usual message of ‘Cuts Hurt’ is falling flat with voters this year.

By talking about budget reform and a need to fix the yearly problems of not having enough money, Republicans have tapped into the mood of the electorate that is exasperated with government’s inability to solve problems. That frustration with government is much stronger today than the need to raise taxes for programs that should… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Prop 6 would deny bail to illegal alien-gang bangers, not provide sanctuary

Did you hear the shocking tale about a San Francisco illegal alien/gang banger who shot a father and his two sons in cold blood last month?

You probably have since national media outlets like Time and Fox News have covered the story.

If you haven’t, the story goes like this: Witnesses say Edwin Ramos, 21, was perturbed that his car was temporarily blocked by 48-year-old Tony Bologna’s car. So Ramos opened fire on Bologna and his sons Micheal, 20, and Matthew, 16, killing all three.

This heinous crime could have been prevented. Ramos, an El Salvador citizen and a member of the violent MS-13 gang, should have been sent to state prison and then deported a long time ago given his record of criminal activity in San Francisco and his illegal alien status. But because of systematic problems within California’s criminal justice system, Ramos was freed to roam the streets of San Francisco.

Here’s a look at his criminal activities prior to the vicious slaying of the Bologna family:

In 2003, Ramos, 17 at the time, beat and kicked a passenger on a San Francisco city bus. Ramos was briefly incarcerated as a juvenile for the gang… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Tax Vote in Senate Scuttled

Lame duck Senate President Pro-Tem Don Perata has announced that the floor session scheduled for tomorrow to vote on the joint proposal by legislative Democrats to try to foist over $9 billion in new taxes on hard working Californians has been cancelled. He’s probably too distracted reading yet another major story (linked on the main page) about the long FBI investigation into his personal and campaign activities to focus on a floor session. Of course the vote on the massive tax increase would have ended in failure, since every Republican in the Senate has signed a pledge not to vote to increase taxes one penny, let alone billions of dollars.… Read More

Barry Jantz

From Nanny State to Tranny State

Uhhh, just to clarify, I am referring to food choices, not alternative lifestyle choices.

Speaking of food choices, and to follow up on Jon’s commentary, I am staunchly and proudly pro-choice on this issue. Personally, I would never ingest large amounts of trans fat (well…not more than once or twice a week), but I think everyone should have the right to decide on their own what to do with their bodies, and I would never assume my personal moral-eaty should be foisted on anyone, certainly not by government mandate.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Bob Novak Rushed To Hospital

Long time conservative columnist Bob Novak, whose columns we have featured a lot on this site, has been rushed to the hospital with a brain tumor. Please keep him in your prayers. Look for updates on the Human Events website.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

OC Lincoln Club Leaders On Need For GOP Shakeup On Capitol Hill

A couple of weeks ago, Orange County Lincoln Club President Rich Wagner and fellow OCLC Board Member Chip Hanlon penned a hard hitting column in Red County Magazine concerning the current leadership of Republicans on Capitol Hill — calling for new leadership regardless of the outcome of elections this November. I wrote extensively about it here.

Below is a video clip of Wagner along with Lincoln Club Chairman Tracy Price on a local Orange County cable news program, Real Orange, talking about the strong (and admirable) stance of this venerable Republican donor organization… (h/t to the OC Blog)Read More