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Katy Grimes

California Media Re-Writing Violent Abusive History of Stephon Clark

As with most of the fraudulent legacy media, Sacramento Bee columnist Marcos Bretón has portrayed Stephon Clark to be some sort of martyred saint after his recent shooting death by Sacramento police: He’s a “loving father of two,” and “killed in his grandmother’s backyard.” The Los Angeles Times said of Clark: “Beloved, troubled young life cut short in police shooting.” said he waswas “a stay-at-home father of two young sons.”Another headline read: “Sacramento resident Stephon Clark, unarmed, was fatally shot by police in his backyard.” CNN said “the man shot and killed by Sacramento police was turning his life around, his brother says,” even though he’d just been released from prison again the previous month.

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Katy Grimes

Saint John’s Program For Homeless/Addicted Women Threatened by County Bureaucrats

We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty. ~Mother Teresa

Today, American’s mental health institutions have become county jails. Especially in California, following the 2011 prison realignment which resulted in moving “non-violent” prisoners from state prisons down to county jails and letting the “non-violent” out of jails. And Propositions 47 and 57 decriminalized theft, and many drug and sex crimes.

As for any real help for the mentally ill and drug addicted homeless, most California counties only offer temporary overnight shelters rather than rehabilitation facilities.

But Sacramento is fortunate..

Saint John’s Program for Real Change in Sacramento serves 800 women and children annually. Saint John’s offers more… Read More

Katy Grimes

Dem Sen. Richard Pan New Bill to Force News Sites to Use ‘Fact-Checkers’

Democrats Want To Decide What Is Real or Fake News

Sen. Richard Pan (D-Sacramento) is the author of the “Online False Information Act,” a new bill that would require anyone who posts any news on the Internet to verify all information through “fact-checkers.” Sen. Pan does not name who these “fact checkers” are, but I’m sure the State of California will create a new agency of state workers to oversee this.

The bill will “require any person who operates a social media, as defined, Internet Web site with a physical presence in California to develop a strategic plan to verify news stories shared… Read More

Richard Rider

Equal Pay Day is upon us. Best con job ever!

It’s that time of year. In ADDITION to 15 April (hated by the prosperous, loved by many others who get free money from the IRS) and “Earth Day” in all its glory, it’s time for our annual “boo-hoo-hoo” bemoaning how the helpless weaker gender works for far less then men. Yes, 10 April is “Equal Pay Day,” the mythical day that women must continue working in 2018 to make as much as men made in 2017.

It’s one of the most persistent con jobs ever. It’s RIDDLED with incorrect facts, false assumptions, outdated data and — MOST IMPORTANT — omitted factors.

Equal Pay Day is a WONDERFUL example of the liberal bias of MSM. It is indeed fake news.

Mark my words. In the next few days the media will dutifully run headline stories — parroting the press releases from the gender pay pimps — while seldom if ever seeking a contrary analysis from knowledgeable economists.

Even with all the bogus assumptions, the “helpless women” school of economics use the wrong “catch up” date. It’s not 10 April. It’s sometime in March, but they… Read More

Katy Grimes

California AG Xavier Becerra: Corrupt Anarchist

The American Left Are The New Traitors

Immediately following the November 2016 election, California Governor Jerry Brown appointed U.S. Rep. Xavier Becerra (D) to replace State Attorney General Kamala Harris, who won election to the U.S. Senate seat vacated by the retiring Sen. Barbara Boxer.

Many wonder why Becerra was Brown’s choice given that Becerra served in Congress since 1993, and resided in a million dollar home in Washington, D.C. (his primary residence) with his wife and three children, regardless of the requirement that a congressman from a certain district has to live there.

But all anyone has to do is pay attention to the radical California Legislature, and fanatical Gov. Jerry Brown, to see the decades-long trend of militant Marxist, Socialist, Jesuit, Liberation Theology, Latino activism.

Gov. Jerry Brown’s choice ofXavier Becerrato be California’s Attorney General was the first of many… Read More

Katy Grimes

Mayor Lets BLM Take Over, Turn Sacramento City Council Meeting Into Riot

The brother of Stephon Clark interrupted the Sacramento council meeting, took ahold of the microphone to attack the Sacramento cops who shot his brother, and planted his butt on the Mayor’s desk to yell in his face. This happened as the Mayor looked stunned, and police looked on.

Simultaneously, hundreds of BLM protesters, frustrated at not being able to get inside the council meeting, blocked the entrance of nearby Golden 1 Center in downtown Sacramento for the second time in one… Read More

Katy Grimes

Despite Politically-Driven National School Walkout, Schools Are Safer Today

The deadly school shooting last month inParkland, Florida sparked national outrage and more action on gun control… because “guns kill,” or so the left would like everyone to believe.

Students across the country took to the streets with fists raised, in front of television cameras, egged on by leftist teachers and parents, to demand mass gun control. One month after the Parkland school shooting, on March 14, students and school teachers and… Read More

Katy Grimes

California’s Identity Politics, Virtue Signaling Ignore New Sen. Pres. Dirty Politics

Who really cares thatSen. Toni Atkins became the first woman and first LGBT person to lead the California Senate on Wednesday? Shouldn’t we be more interested in her character and ability to lead?

California newspaper headlines screamed Thursday Sen. Toni Atkins became the first woman and first LGBT person to lead the California Senate.

A rainbow flag representing gay pride hung next to the California and U.S. flags in the Capitol rotunda.

Wait? Where was the “I AM WOMAN” flag?

Who cares about any of this virtue signaling and identity politics other than the leftists running California’s State Capitol? Our “rulers” live in another country.

James Bartholomew identifiedand coined the phrase “virtue signaling” in a 2015 Spectator article: “Saying the right things violently on Twitter is much easier than real kindness.” But what is Virtue Signaling? It is when people take a conspicuous but… Read More

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