Toward a Dominant Republican Party in California
Is California a lost cause for Republicans? It is so big, and these days so liberal, it is hard to imagine a time when Republicans can take over the state government. The good news is that Democrats are doing everything in their power to destroy the state, and people are moving out in droves. If you doubt me, go to U-Haul and try to rent a truck. You will find they are very expensive, much more expensive than in neighboring states. The U-Haul price issue, driven by the fact that more people are moving out than moving in, is the proverbial “canary in the coal mine,” California, blessed with the best weather and most abundant land in the country, is literally chasing people out of the state, and deterring people from moving in.
Enter former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Governor John Kasich, announcing in the last few days that they want to redirect the Republican Party. Make no mistake, Schwarzenegger has tried this before, and his policies were so unpopular that he did more to destroy the California Republican Party than any other single politician. Governor Kasich should just go back to Ohio, we don’t need his help here.
Charles… Read More