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Jon Fleischman

McCarthy, Dreier, Morgan tapped as GOP Convention Leaders

The RNC announced the officers of the GOP Convention in Minneapolis. Among them three Californians – U.S. Congressman Kevin McCarthy serves as one of the Co-Chairmen of the Platform Committee, U.S. Congressman David Dreier will serve as Parliamentarian, and California’s Republican National Committeeman, Tim Morgan (who will be replaced by Shawn Steel at the close of the convention), who serves as RNC Treasurer, will serve as Convention Treasurer.

(h/t to the CRP)… Read More

Dan Schnur

Today’s Commentary: Republicans can and must barter for votes to raise taxes

This year’s state budget is going to increase taxes. I say that neither as a good or a bad thing, merely as a statement of fact. But the only questions to be answered at this point are which taxes will be raised, by how much, and what Republican legislators will get in return for putting up the necessary votes.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, of course, wants to raise the sales tax, at least for awhile. But GOP legislative leaders have previously indicated a willingness to close tax “loopholes”. All have sworn they will only agree to these concession s in exchange for a cap on state spending and other structural budget reforms that will make it easier for the state to avoid the boom-and-bust cycles that have characterized the last two decades of California’s economic andRead More

Dan Schnur

Republicans can and must barter for votes to raise taxes

This year’s state budget is going to increase taxes. I say that neither as a good or a bad thing, merely as a statement of fact. But the only questions to be answered at this point are which taxes will be raised, by how much, and what Republican legislators will get in return for putting up the necessary votes.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, of course, wants to raise the sales tax, at least for awhile. But GOP legislative leaders have previously indicated a willingness to close tax “loopholes”. All have sworn they will only agree to these concession s in exchange for a cap on state spending and other structural budget reforms that will make it easier for the state to avoid the boom-and-bust cycles that have characterized the last two decades of California’s economic andRead More

Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt

Texas Executes Illegal-Alien Rapist/Murderer Despite International/U.S. Meddling

Jose Medellin, an illegal alien from Mexico, along with five accomplices, in 1993 raped and murdered two Texas girls, ages 14 and 16. For his crimes, Medellin was put to death by the State of Texas last night after the U.S. Supreme Court refused to grant a reprieve.

The late Mr. Medellin had hoped that the U.S. Supreme Court would force a retrial based on an International Court’s attempted intervention, or that en executive order would commute the sentence. President Bush had stepped in and requested that the State of Texas adhere to an International Court decision recommending retrial. However, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that without Congressional action, the International Court’s decision could not be enforced.

An August 4 op-ed in the Los Angeles Times vigorously defended the idea of allowing the 51 Mexicans on death row to be tried only after consulting with the consulate of the accuseds’ home country. The author, Jeffrey Davidow, argued that the International Court of Justice should be able to decide what is… Read More

Meredith Turney

Governor, Honor Solzhenitsyn’s Memory by Vetoing SB 1322

Last weekend one of the world’s most persuasive spokesmen for freedom passed away. Alexander Solzhenitsyn, communist dissident and prolific writer, gave voice to the silent anguish of his countrymen and millions of others suffering under communist regimes. For his bravery in exposing to international scrutiny an extremely dark and evil government, Solzhenitsyn should be honored.

Solzhenitsyn’s criticism of communism was not some intellectual’s theoretical analysis of a government system; his eight years in a Soviet Gulag gave him the experience and authority to graphically detail the horror and misery of a "utopian government".

Perhaps it is no coincidence that the very week Solzhenitsyn passed away, and three Americans were arrested in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square for protesting Communist China’s brutal human rights abuses, the California legislature passed SB 1322.

This unbelievably foolish measure would strike from current state law a public school’s ability to fire a Communist teacher. It would also allow Communists to use public school property for meetings. I can… Read More

Jon Fleischman

GOPers – Hold The Line

Nothing could lead to a longer period of minority status for Republicans in California than for GOPers to play a role in bringing another tax increase on Golden State taxpayers.

It is with that in mind that every FR reading Republican should call every GOP legislator they know, and give them strong encouragement to hold the line.

Every Republican in the legislature has already pledged, in writing, that they will not support a tax increase (except Asm. Niello, who doesn’t sign pledges, but is a solid “no” vote on a tax hike).

This year’s budget divide shows the clear contrast between two political parties – one that would grow the state, versus one that would empower the individual.

If you hear any GOPer start to utter phrases like, “it’s the best deal we can get,” or “it’s just a temporary tax increase.” — those are bad warning signs of a break in our lines.

This is an all or nothing play for Republicans. I have spoken to many, many GOP activists and donors who agree – a Republican who votes for a tax hike shouldn’t be in office any more… Read More

Mike Spence

Day Laborer Lounges In L.A?

I wish I was kidding. But a panel of the Los Angeles City Council has approved a plan that requires big home improvement stores to provide an area for day laborers to congregate. The areas MUST have seating, tables, drinking water and trash facilities. I guess the sidewalk isn’t good enough anymore.

It does sound better than a freshman GOP Assembylman’s office in Sacramento that I know of.… Read More

Barry Jantz

Board of Eq: Sales Tax a Big Loser!

Thanks to Bill Leonard, the truth is known. Increasing taxes is not the solution to increasing government revenue. But then, Ronald Reagan told us that long ago. Not to mention Milton Friedman and a few others…..

From Cap Weekly: Job loss, business impacts seen in proposed sales tax hike

By John Howard (published Tuesday, August 05, 2008)

An analysis by the state agency that collects California’s sales taxes suggests that a one-cent increase in the statewide sales tax would bring in hundreds of millions of dollars less than anticipated and cost thousands of jobs.

The report was prepared by Joe Fitz, the chief economist of the state Board of Equalization, at… Read More