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Matthew J. Cunningham

Today’s Commentary: My Declaration of Dependence

In the Governor Schwarzenegger’s signing of Asssemblyman Tony Mendoza’s paternalism-on-steroids bill too ban transfats, I hereby surrender my free will and declare my dependence on state government.

After all, if the state government is going to plan my diet and decide what I can and cannot eat, then what aspect of my life is truly beyond their scope?

So the Governor wants the government to be my personal trainer. Fine. Let’s go all the way and turn the running of my life over to government. I want the state to do my grocery shopping, so that my cupboard is only stocked with healthy foods. And I’ll need a government driver, to prevent my from losing control and rolling through McDonald’s.

**There is more – click the link**

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Matthew J. Cunningham

My Declaration of Dependence

In the Governor Schwarzenegger’s signing of Asssemblyman Tony Mendoza’s paternalism-on-steroids bill too ban transfats, I hereby surrender my free will and declare my dependence on state government.

After all, if the state government is going to plan my diet and decide what I can and cannot eat, then what aspect of my life is truly beyond their scope?

So the Governor wants the government to be my personal trainer. Fine. Let’s go all the way and turn the running of my life over to government. I want the state to do my grocery shopping, so that my cupboard is only stocked with healthy foods. And I’ll need a government driver, to prevent my from losing control and rolling through McDonald’s.

I’ll need a wake-up call from the state to make sure I don’t oversleep, and a go-to-bed call so that I don’t stay up too late watching TV. The New England Journal of Medicine says a good night’s sleep is vital to my health, you know — and a healthier me means a healthier California.

In between, I’ll need a government minder to schedule my… Read More

Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt

Today’s Commentary: Governments Fumble, Roads Crumble

Yesterday Congress adjourned without taking any action on energy policy. While not surprising, it’s really a shame for a lot of reasons. Some reasons we hear a lot about. Some we don’t.

For example, when the price of gasoline was only $1.25 a gallon, federal and state governments had no problems raising gas taxes. But now that fuel prices are up, revenue shortfalls caused by decreased gasoline demand, combined with poor energy policy, is contributing to a severe shortfall in highway funds. An L.A. Times report from July 21 gives an overview of the problem.

The President’s and Congress’ budget offices agree that the Federal Highway Account is projected to have a negative balance as early as 2009 or as late as 2011, respectively.

**There is more – click the link**

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Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt

Governments Fumble, Roads Crumble

Yesterday Congress adjourned without taking any action on energy policy. While not surprising, it’s really a shame for a lot of reasons. Some reasons we hear a lot about. Some we don’t.

For example, when the price of gasoline was only $1.25 a gallon, federal and state governments had no problems raising gas taxes. But now that fuel prices are up, revenue shortfalls caused by decreased gasoline demand, combined with poor energy policy, is contributing to a severe shortfall in highway funds. An L.A. Times report from July 21 gives an overview of the problem.

The President’s and Congress’ budget offices agree that the Federal Highway Account is projected to have a negative balance as early as 2009 or as late as 2011, respectively.

This particular government-related problem, among many we’re seeing in a downturned economy, will impact our ability to build transportation infrastructure in California in the next several years and perhaps beyond. That means building fewer roads, highways and interchanges.

About half of the road and… Read More

James V. Lacy

Osama, Obama, and Your Mama

I had a chance to run over to Las Vegas and see Elton John’s fantastic "Red Piano" show night before last at Caesar’s Palace. I recommend it to all, and he is closing it down in just a couple months, so time is short for tickets….!

Sir Elton isn’t exactly a conservative, but I appreciate just about any true art, regardless of my politics, and Elton is loaded with talent. Say what you want about him, he is a true artist. Stunningly talented. And to his credit he didn’t make one political crack during his one hour, 50 minute show. His biggest joke was to say that Celine Dion (for whom the theater he was performing in was built) looked like a Q-Tip.

I happen to believe that true art is a higher calling than politics, but that is the subject of some future post…..

Though the "Rocket Man" gave a terrific show, there was a little political element to my visit that resonated for discussion here. And that was the proverbial discussion with the taxi driver on the trip to the airport about the election.

I have found that taxi drivers usually get… Read More

Brandon Powers

San Fran Federalist Society President Urges Boxer to Approve Judgeship for Rogan

Earlier this week, San Francisco Federalist Society President David DeGroot penned an Open Letter to Senator Boxer in the Daily Journal urging her to let Jim Rogan’s Judicial Nomination go forward.

FOCUS & FORUM • Jul. 30, 2008 Blocking Judge’s Nomination Puts Boxer’s Reputation at Risk


By David A. DeGroot This is a direct plea to Sen. Barbara Boxer.

Senator, you have always had guts and have a record of taking controversial stands. I urge you to recognize that same characteristic in Judge James Rogan and allow his nomination to the federal district court in Southern California to proceed to a Senate vote.

To your credit, you and Sen. Dianne Feinstein have had a productive relationship with President Bush on the appointment of district court judges. Since 2001, you and Feinstein have worked with the

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Jim Battin

Waste Watch – Blatant Fraud Hurts Disabled, Elderly AND Taxpayers

Fraud and abuse is alive and kicking in Los Angeles County. The District Attorney’s Office has filed charges against more than 20 people who defrauded an in-home care agency of $2 million. According to the Los Angeles Times (July 25, 2008),“Charges have been filed against 21 people accused of defrauding more than $2 million in benefits from a state-funded program designed to help the disabled and the elderly receive in-home care, Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. announced.”In one case, a man from Granada Hills claimed he was schizophrenic and…needed constant care, prosecutors said. The government paid his wife through the program to take care of him, giving her [an astronomical] $257,000 in [fraudulent] welfare benefits.” What’s worse is that prosecutors said her husband was rarelyRead More

Matt Rexroad

Individual Responsibility: Divert Attention?

Yesterday I heard a presentation from the Marin Institute. The entire thing was a justification for raising taxes on alcohol.

During the presentation I made a note to myself to check out this organization when I got some time.

Late last night I got the chance to do that and found something even worse than I expected.

Individual responsibility is something that I truly believe in. In fact, I think it is something millions of Californians believe in. This group considers it a tactic of "Big Alcohol". This is not a tactic. It is a basic foundation of the way people view the world.

After the presentation opened up for questions I asked if this group favored prohibition. The answer was no. I then asked about all the costs associated with bacon and cheeseburgers. The exact same rationale would apply to increasing taxes on these items as well.

Nanny government is everywhere.

If it is a legal activity then we need to let people do… Read More

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