No Budget Until September 1
The Governor’s recent threat to veto every bill until a budget is adopted gave me an idea.
Now I am going to say this, and somewhere some bozo in the press is going to take this out of context, and claim that it is some secret legislative Republican plan. Of course, if I were in a Republican caucus still, I would have already said it. The truth is, for those of you in the press who read this, this is a joke. It is a good idea, but it is a joke.
This is an even numbered year, which means the legislative session ends on August 31 at midnight. After August 31, it takes a vote of three quarters of the Legislature to pass any bill that is not a tax measure or appropriation. On August 31 at midnight, every bill that has not passed dies, unless the Republicans agree to allow it to be heard.
Since Democrats never let any good Republican bill pass, the Governor’s threat gives the Republicans a legislative strategy, in addition to their budget strategy. More important, since this Governor has no aversion to really bad, intrusive government measures, Republicans can’t even count on the Governor to stop bad legislation. So how they stop… Read More