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Jon Fleischman

GOPers should vote NO on the Rail Bond Bond Bill

Let’s be clear here. A mega-billion dollar rail bond is a bad deal for California taxpayers. Not only because of the principle that an eneavor such as this should be financed via user fees, not on the backs of tens of millions of taxpayers (not counting the ones not yet born) — but California is already over-loaded with debt.

This “fix” legislatuon that appears to be up for a vote in the Assembly today has as a major purpose making this boondoggle more palatable to voters.

Conservatives should be committed to defeating this bond measure. This includes voting against legislation designed, in essence, to help it pass.

The FlashReport joins with the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association and others in strongly urging a NO on the bill.… Read More

Mike Spence

Time to Override a Governors Veto?

There hasn’t been an override of a Governor’s veto of a California Governor… in well a long time. Previous GOP Governors worked with GOP legislators to help keep overrides from happening.

Except for occasional lobs of grenades into budget negotiations, the Governor really isn’t focused on getting a budget. In fact I question if he is focused on governing at all. He isn’t talking to Republicans.

Why not send him a message? He recently threatened to veto all bills until there is a budget. The legislative response has been to hold passed bills until there is a budget. I know all us Republicans think vetoing all the bills would be great. The reality is that won’t happen. That’s why he allowed bills to go back rather than veto them.

Since there won’t really be a rash of vetoes, why not send him a message about who is relevant. Pick a bill that everyone agrees on and send it to him. If he vetoes it, override it. Then maybe he would have to work with GOP legislators like Wilson and Deukmejian did.

For the Dems, It would show California his increasing irrevelency in California’s governance. That should be part… Read More

James V. Lacy

Newport Beach “City Hall in Park” initiative upheld

The "City Hall in the Park" initiative, which was passed by Newport Beach voters last February 5 as "Measure B," was upheld in a final and dispostive ruling by Orange County Superior Court Judge Peter Polos.

The city charter amendment, the brainchild of Newport activist and World Cup winner, architect Bill Ficker, preempted other plans of the Newport Beach City Council majority and requires the location of a needed new City Hall to be placed on city-owned property at Fashion Island next to theCentral Library. It was a very logical proposal to place the new City Hall in a central location and near the library, on a 12 acre parcel that will otherwise remain parkland.

Opponents threw out the usual extreme environmental and NIMBY type arguments that hamper rational decisionmaking throughout Orange County coastal jurisdictions. Led by local activist and 1968 VW beattle driver, Allan Beek, Measure B survived a pre-election legal challenge, won at the polls, survived a post-election challenge, and now the entire case has been dismissed on the City’s motion, joined in by Intervenors Bill Ficker, Jack Croul,… Read More

Inside the Beltway News – Wednesday

Topping the news, Rep. Issa (R-Vista) and Rep. Souder (R-Ind.) have called on the House ethics panel to review what The Hill calls "sweetheart" mortgage deals for Members and staff. It’s here.

House Democratic Leadership has pledged to permit a vote on the issue of offshore drilling and other energy exploration measures, but the bill may come with some baggage, The Hill reports today.

The Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation, a bipartisan conservation and outdoor activity promotion group has released a poll showing Sen. McCain ahead among the sporting set. On a related note, this is a great group: if you have business in Washington or are an outdoorsman, support this group. More online here.

Speaking of McCain: the Washington Post reports today on confidential… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Senators Ackerman and Hollingsworth

In our quest to get termed-out legislators on the record against any tax increases, whether so-called temporary or not, we got this statement from Senator Dick Ackerman:

“Temporary or not, I do not support the use of taxes to balance the state’s budget. This includes an exchange of higher taxes today for a promise of lower taxes and fiscal responsibility in the future. This latest proposal misleads California taxpayers and does not deserve support.”

Oh, and I got a shout-out from Senator Dennis Hollingsworth, who agrees completely.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Statement from Assemblywoman Sharon Runner

I got off of the phone a little while ago. The termed-out Assemblymember assured me that she is “No! No! No!” in any tax increases, “temporary” or not.… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Republican Motion To Vote On Budget Bill Denied

The file item that contained the state budget bill, AB 1781, was passed over this morning. Republicans made a motion to at least have a vote on the current bill, as reported out of the budget Conference Committee. That motion was defeated, so we still don’t know what the ‘temperature’ of both caucuses is on the current document or how far away the Assembly is from achieving 54 votes to pass any form of budget.There are47 Democrat members in regular attendence in our floor sessions. It is widely assumed, if a vote was taken today,that there are less than 47 likely ‘aye’ votes as of right now for this budget document…but who really knows? … Read More

Jim Battin

Create a responsible state budget: By reforming the process

The following op-ed ran in my local paper today – The Desert Sun

Create a responsible state budget: By reforming the process By Senator Jim Battin (R-La Quinta) Another year, another missed budget deadline. But the deadline date itself is not the problem. The problems that have led us to this point are the effects of a partisan redistricting process and term limits. Redistricting ensured that almost all legislative seats are considered “safe.” Therefore, the real races are won within the primaries for those seats, which ensures that the most conservative or most liberal members of each party always get elected. Couple this with a term limits scheme that forces members to play musical chairs and compete amongst themselves forRead More

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