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Meredith Turney

Recreate ’68 Wreaking Havoc in Denver

This morning the Obsession team was at the anti-war protest on the front steps of the capitol. We obviously had to be covert with the blatant anarchist presence. There was a heavy police presence as last night several weapons, bricks and poles were found hidden in the capitol mall. The rally was fairly peaceful, apart from the hateful, vile rhetoric spewing from the speakers. Of course, Cindy Sheehan was in her element, along with the Green Party presidential candidates and other anti-war radicals.

At one point, FNC reporter Griff Jenkins approached the stage to try and interview disgraced CU professor Ward Churchill. He was rebuffed by burly “security” thugs and pushed back. A crowd had assembled around Jenkins and began chanting “F*** Fox News!” The whole time Jenkins maintained his cool but even from a few feet away, I was concerned about his safety and other reporters trying to cover the situation. One of our team members, Tom Trento, was right in the middle of the action and filmed the entire episode. At this moment, the protest is marching towards the convention center.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: GOP Convention Program: Where are the anti-tax hawks? I found everyone else…

As the Republican National Convention approaches (I fly out in one week – to provide FR readers with live updated from the ground throughout the big event), I am starting to get excited about a week in Minneapolis with thousands of fellow Republicans, unifying around our nominee, and celebrating a political party, that for over a century and a half has stood for freedom, limited government, and family values. I’m excited to be a member of the California delegation!

As a strong conservative, I have to admit that I was more than a little bummed earlier in the week when I received a press release from the outstanding free-market group, The Club for Growth, in which they were expressing their disappointment that a whole host of real taxfighting leaders nationally for the GOP do not appear on the convention program. Among those singled out by the Club for their absence are Senators Coburn and DeMint, the clear leaders for fiscal sanity in the upper chamber. There… Read More

Jon Fleischman

GOP Convention Program: Where are the anti-tax hawks? I found everyone else…

As the Republican National Convention approaches (I fly out in one week – to provide FR readers with live updated from the ground throughout the big event), I am starting to get excited about a week in Minneapolis with thousands of fellow Republicans, unifying around our nominee, and celebrating a political party, that for over a century and a half has stood for freedom, limited government, and family values. I’m excited to be a member of the California delegation!

As a strong conservative, I have to admit that I was more than a little bummed earlier in the week when I received a press release from the outstanding free-market group, The Club for Growth, in which they were expressing their disappointment that a whole host of real taxfighting leaders nationally for the GOP do not appear on the convention program. Among those singled out by the Club for their absence are Senators Coburn and DeMint, the clear leaders for fiscal sanity in the upper chamber. There… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: Garrick, the State Budget, and Both Joel and Pam Anderson

Garrick:Get to Work… No question that if GOP legislators took a convention holiday without first having finalized a state budget, the outcry would be loud, prolonged and furious.So, why has the criticism leveled at Democrats for hauling off to their convention bash with work still undone been largely limited to the blogs? Please answer me that. In the meantime, this from Assemblyman Martin Garrick, posted Friday at Red County SD:

Skip the Convention and Get to Work The California State Assembly adjourned shortly after 1pm today, choosing to take the weekend off — even though the state budget has still not been passed. The Assembly will reconvene on Monday at 1pm for floor session, but will take a three day break on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday so Legislative Democrats can attend their national convention in Denver.

Yes, you read that right, a three day vacation right in the middle of a budget stalemate.

Unfortunately, common sense often does not prevailRead More

Jill Buck

Rice Would Be Nice

Now that Democrats have conceded that the world is a scary place, and Obama can’t handle it alone, they have named Senator Biden as the VP/Man-Behind-the-Curtain for their ticket. And the Democrats are exactly right…the world is a scary place. Iran continues to be the biggest threat to peace in the Middle East, and while we’ve got them pinned down in an unwinnable two front war scenario with troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, Russia is taking full advantage of our situation by making a rush to control natural gas pipelines to Europe before winter sets in so they can hold the EU hostage in choice between freezing to death or capitulating to Russia’s geopolitical demands. Come January 2009, the White House is no place for amateurs or understudies.

This is why I’m keeping my fingers crossed that native Californian Condoleezza Rice will be… Read More

Meredith Turney

Blogging from the Enemy Camp

This week I have the opportunity to do something most Republicans would love (or fear) to do…attend the Democratic National Convention. As a Republican, I won’t have credentials to get into the Pepsi Center, but national convention attendees know that much of the more interesting action takes place outside the convention hall anyway.

I’m here as part of the team promoting documentary film Obsession. This award-winning movie is a startling revelation of the full threat radical Islamic terrorism poses to the West. If you haven’t seen the film already, definitely make it a priority. Our team will be launching a media blitz this week, calling on Senator Obama and his party to truly address radical terrorism—and that doesn’t mean simply talking about hope, change and peace.

With Obama’s choice of Joe Biden to fill his national/international security credibility… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Villines Rhetoric Is What The GOP Needs

I’ll haveacolumn later this week about why the GOP is losing voters, but I can guarantee this, it isn’t because Republicans in the Assembly are hanging tough in the latest State budget fight. In fact, if they keep it up, they’ll likely wind up gaining back some of the respect that our GOP officeholders have lost over the years. With the Governor spewing more nonsense yesterday, questioning the "courage" of the State legislature, it is instructive to look at Assembly Leader Mike Villines response:

Assembly Republican leader Mike Villines of Clovis questioned the governor’s own gutsiness.

"I don’t believe it shows strong backbone to have said (no tax increases) publicly for years and years and years – and then to change your position overnight," Villines said.

Now, even though Villines is my friend, I am more than objective about our elected leadership. I happen to think Mike Villines is one of the more under appreciated elected officials in California. He speaks and reacts from his gut – and he’s a conservative before he’s a… Read More

Tab Berg

Obama picks Biden for VP

Obama picks Sen. Joe Biden for VP — the announcement apparently going out over email to Obama supporters.

The Senator from Delaware was a front runner in the Democrat VP sweepstakes, but you have to wonder how a 65-year old New Englander who spent almost half his life as a DC insider fits with the "change" theme of the freshman Senator from Illinois.

For me, Biden highlights the uncertainty of Obama. It’s kind of like putting a vintage Shelby Cobra shifter on a Mazda Miaita…it only serves as a reminder you’re still driving an under-powered roadster that’s more about flash than substance.

Biden does bring some foreign policy expertise to the ticket — and perhaps some maturity and comfort to older voters, but I see more desperation than inspiration in this selection.

Pundits will have a field day analyzing the impact of the Obama-Biden ticket, but I can’t help but think that this selection more about appeasement rather than a inspired running-mate.… Read More

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