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Jon Fleischman

Governor joins Dems to push for tax increases in Big 5 meeting…

Update: 7:15pm: In my haste to post on Big 5 meeting below, I erroneously said that the Governor was pushing an INCOME tax. That is an error. I meant to say SALES tax. But to be honest, exactly what taxes the Governor was advocating in the meeting is assumed on my part — it’s not specified in Villines’ comments- Flash

"Post-Partisan" Arnold has become a royal pain in the celebrity posterior. Post-Partisan Arnold isn’t the guy who we re-elected in 2006 who ran on an emphatic platform of never raising taxes. Post-Partisan Arnold is the guy that the Governor of the 2006 campaign trail "morphed" into after he was re-elected. Post-Partisan Arnold has no "team" — he is a team of one.

Today the Governor hosted a meeting of the Big 5 (The Governor and the four legislative leaders) in his office to see where everyone stands on budget negotiations. Apparently, according to the Sacramento Bee story covering the meeting, Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines had to walk out of the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

MUST LISTEN: Arnold vs. John and Ken

I’m not sure if the Governor’s pain medication for his recent knee surgery impaired his decision-making, when he picked up the phone and called into the John and Ken radio show yesterday, and defended his discussions with state legislators and his proposal to increase the state sales tax as a means to get the votes to pass a state budget.

The show is absolutely fabulous political theatre — with the Governor trying to defend the tax increase and his battle against global warming — while he is rather mercilously strafed by John and Ken.

There’s one point in the interview where they ask, "Are you still on anethesia?" The point I made above.

Here is the link to the John and Ken Show website. Click on the 8/18 3 p.m. hour broadcast to listen.

While the Governor’s call into the show starts around the 12 minute mark in the show, he follows a GREAT interview with FR friend Assembly… Read More

Jon Fleischman

If Lieberman’s In, I Am Out is reporting the John McCain is seriously considering a Lieberman Surprise, tapping the Democrat-turned-Independent U.S. Senator (and former Democrat Veep Nominee) to be his running mate (the photo is of Lieberman "running" with the last guy who asked him to be a running mate).

Because I have a blog, I thought I would share my instant reaction to this news (you know, "ready-fire-aim" – my specialty)…

I choose not to put much credence in such an idea as it is sign the McCain is looking in exactly the wrong direction (to his left) for a VEEP nominee. If you are a conservative and you win the primary, I can understand the idea of moving to the middle at this point. But McCain beat more conservative candidates to win his primary, and he needs to use the convention, and his VEEP pick to consolidate Republicans behind his candidacy with… Read More

Matt Rexroad

Reminder: Senator Correa

Dear Senator Correa:

I just wanted to remind you of this letter that you sent out when you were a County Supervisor (click the link below)..

It might be helpful in your consideration of the state budget.

Matt Rexroad… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Californians Pay The Most In Gas Taxes

In case you were wondering, Californians pay the highest prices for gasoline in the entire nation. Check out the chart below. If you can’t read it, you can open the attachment below to see it more clearly.

Maybe it’s time to give Californian’s relief at the pump by decreasing gasoline taxes? Especially given the obscene reality that as gas becomes more expenses, gas taxes (which are figured as a percentage) actualy go UP!

At minimum, someone should introduce the, "Don’t punish working Californians with higher taxes" Act, lowering the tax while prices are high, to keep California government from "profiteering" during this crisis…

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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Promise Made, Promise Broken – Parra, Galgiani Chart Opposite Courses

California’s Central Valley is home to two "supposedly" more moderate Democrats in the California Assembly — Assemblywomen Nicole Parra and Kathleen Galgiani. Both candidates campaigned for office by stressing to voters in their districts their independence, and that they would look out for their districts. But the latest vote that took place last Sunday in the State Assembly on a budget bill jam-packed with massive tax increases (to the tune of $9.7 billion). and pork spending, the opportunity was presented for both of these ladies to vote against heaping new taxes on their constituents. Actually, going into the vote, if you were to take each of them at their word, you would have expected neither of them to vote for the budget. Galgiani voted for the bill, and Parra did not.

Assemblywoman Galgiani (pictured left) campaigned on a no new taxes pledge. Up and through at least last month, her campaign website proudly boasted the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Promise Made, Promise Broken – Parra, Galgiani Chart Opposite Courses

California’s Central Valley is home to two "supposedly" more moderate Democrats in the California Assembly — Assemblywomen Nicole Parra and Kathleen Galgiani. Both candidates campaigned for office by stressing to voters in their districts their independence, and that they would look out for their districts. But the latest vote that took place last Sunday in the State Assembly on a budget bill jam-packed with massive tax increases (to the tune of $9.7 billion). and pork spending, the opportunity was presented for both of these ladies to vote against heaping new taxes on their constituents. Actually, going into the vote, if you were to take each of them at their word, you would have expected neither of them to vote for the budget. Galgiani voted for the bill, Parra did not.

Assemblywoman Galgiani (pictured left) campaigned on a no new taxes pledge. Up and through at least last month, her campaign website proudly boasted the… Read More

Hot Air

Well, we can’t get a State Budget but at least we’ve taken care of those pesky metallic balloons. Phew. That was a close one. Now that 43 Democrats have passed the bill, Californians everywhere can sleep safely knowing that the scourge of those shiny, airy, bubbles of joy will never hurt anyone again. Thank you Democrats. The world is a little safer now for everyone.… Read More

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