Riverside Politicos Respond to VP Pick
Here’s some comments from a few Riverside political leaders on this great choice:
"The selection of Governor Sarah Palin as running mate once again demonstrates that Sen. John McCain is the one person who will bring real change to Washington. Gov. Palin is an independent woman who has proven that she has what it takes to stand up to special interests and work for the interests of the people she represents. As Governor of Alaska, she has brought energy, compassion, and toughness to the job, qualities that will serve our nation well. Sarah Palin is a strong choice by Sen. McCain, and together, they will be a great team for the American people." Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack
“Gov. Palin is a courageous and experienced reformer who will be a great leader in the McCain administration on the economy, spending, government reform and energy independence.” Congressman Ken Calvert
"Govenor Palin is an inspired choice. She’s a wildly popular govenor that took on a corrupt system and cleaned their clock. A woman who is a successful chief executive, pro-life mother… Read More