Hollingsworth on RNC Convention Agenda in Error
A few minutes ago, I called longtime FR friend and State Senator Dennis Hollingsworth to congratulate him on being named a speaker at the RNC Convention next week in Minneapolis. Imagine my shock when he responded by saying that my call was the first he had heard of it. I forwarded him the official agenda, and we both looked it over while on the phone. Yes, there was no doubt, he was set to speak… Of course, he had no plans to attend… Go figure. I left him undoubtedly contemplating the trip — with such an honor bestowed upon him.
The immediate thought that came to mind was whether or not there were other speakers who had no idea they were supposed to speak.
Well, just a couple of minutes after I got off of the phone with the Senator his office received a call from the RNC — profusely apologizing that his name was listed as a speaker erroneously! Doh!
What does Dennis have to say about this mix up? “They must have thought I was Jeff Denham, and when they realized I wasn’t, they pulled the plug. I guess this will be my five minutes of fame for this convention.”… Read More