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Riverside Politicos Respond to VP Pick

Here’s some comments from a few Riverside political leaders on this great choice:

"The selection of Governor Sarah Palin as running mate once again demonstrates that Sen. John McCain is the one person who will bring real change to Washington. Gov. Palin is an independent woman who has proven that she has what it takes to stand up to special interests and work for the interests of the people she represents. As Governor of Alaska, she has brought energy, compassion, and toughness to the job, qualities that will serve our nation well. Sarah Palin is a strong choice by Sen. McCain, and together, they will be a great team for the American people." Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack

“Gov. Palin is a courageous and experienced reformer who will be a great leader in the McCain administration on the economy, spending, government reform and energy independence.” Congressman Ken Calvert

"Govenor Palin is an inspired choice. She’s a wildly popular govenor that took on a corrupt system and cleaned their clock. A woman who is a successful chief executive, pro-life mother… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Assembly Republicans Oppose Scheme To Undo “Triple Flip” To Raise Local Sales Taxes

UPDATE 5:03pm – Based on some e-mail traffic, it would appear that I need to be more specific on what I was told on this. Besides what I said below, Morgan conveyed that this idea is not one that has been floated by Assembly Republicans, and that, to be clear, Republicans would not put up votes on a budget (that requires a two-thirds vote) if the Democrats separately pass this scheme (which they can do by a majority vote if they wanted).

Sometimes there are complex policy issues that come up that are difficult to distill in a blog-length post. But I am going to try to explain. But let me place the conclusion first, and the details afterward. Basically, there is some talk in the Capitol that there is a way to raise local sales taxes by .25 percent by just a majority vote (I’ll explain below), and that doing so would bring in $1.4 billion in new tax revenue. Some of the “chatter” was that this proposal might get “sign off” from Republicans in a budget deal.

Not true. I spoke with Morgan Crinklaw, Communications Director for Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines, who checked with his boss, and… Read More

Mindy Fletcher

Republicans To Make History with Palin Pick

Today, Senator John McCain has chosen a Governor, a fellow maverick, a mother, and the first woman to ever be a part of the Republican presidential ticket. After watching Senator Barack Obama last week make what I thought was a weak, defensive and underwhelming choice of Senator Biden as his running mate, I am thrilled that McCain used this opportunity to seek out someone who can turn the election on its head.

Governor Sarah Palin has chief executive experience – something frankly no one else on the ticket on either side can boast, but is greatly needed in the White House. And I know there will be lots of talk about experience during this election cycle, especially with Obama’s lack of it. But with Sarah Palin, she brings another kind of experience that is found nowhere else on the ticket. She is a mother of five. As a new mother of one, I am blown away by her resiliency and her efforts at doing it all.

Also intriguing is the perspective she might bring as a union member, the mother of a serviceman who is headed to Iraq, a former member of the PTA, and the mother a special needs child.

In addition, her appeal in the west… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Budget Vote Held Open – Pressure Play On?

State Senator Lou Correa has to be wondering if Senate President Don Perata takes input from Assembly Speaker Karen Bass. Today the State Senate voted on a budget plan that represents negotiations between Perata and Governor Schwarzenegger. Left out of the process in any meaningful way was Senate Republican Leader Dave Cogdill and Senate Republicans. You know what? You can tell. The so-called "compromise budget" is a bad budget, containing as its main eyesore a multi-billion dollar tax sales tax increase that will wallop California’s economy for years.

The plan put forth by the Governor deserves to be voted down outright — but the proposal on the Senate Floor is even worse than the Governor’s — the Governor calls for a three year increase in the sales taxes, followed by a decrease after that to permanently lower the state sales tax over the long haul. While we are dubious that this decrease would ever really occur, Senate Democrats want nothing of it. Their plan hikes the rate for three years, and then returns it back to existing levels.

The "roll" is still being held open in the Senate, where every… Read More

Jim Battin

Live! From the Senate Floor…..

Reporting from the floor of the California State Senate…….

After over two months the Senate Democrats finally decided to put up the budget for a vote. FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME.

Senator Perata just finished railing at the governor – then saying he was through with negotiating with us. The problem is – he never started negotiating with us in the first place.

Senate Republican Leader Dave Cogdill has asked time and time again to sit down and work out a budget deal. Perata just doesn’t respond.

The Senate Democrats have taken the tack of working out a "deal" with the governor – which includes a tax increase – then having the governor "pick off" the two weakest Republican Senators.

They’re doing this because its a tried and true tradition – it’s exactly what they did last year. And didn’t that work out well….. Remember last year? We were called "terrorists", "whackos" and "extremists" – then locked in the chambers overnight to try and force us into… Read More

Mike Spence

Palin Perfect Pick!

I’m shedding tears of joy.

McCain’s pick of Sarah Palin as his Vice-Presidential running mate is spectacular. Yes, the media will focus on her being well a woman. I understand that. But she is more than that. Palin is a reformer. She has a track record fighting corrupt sell out Republicans. She has taken on pork barreling and big government

She is a sportsman, sorry sportswoman or is it sportsperson? Bottom line. She can shoot a gun.

Palin is pro-life in theory and practice. Here is her statement on the birth of her son this year Down’s syndrome.

"Trig is beautiful and already adored by us. We knew through early testing he would face special challenges, and we feel privileged that God would entrust us with this gift and allow us unspeakable joy as he entered our lives. We have faith that every baby is created for good purpose and has potential to make this world a better place. We are truly blessed."

She has a another kid headed to Iraq.

And just wait until Joe Biden and her tangle on oil-drilling.

I am still crying.… Read More

James V. Lacy

What now for Romney?

I am not always right on my predictions, but when I am, I drink a Dos XX. I predicted here more than six months ago that Mitt Romney’s best offer in a McCain Administration would be Secretary of Commerce. Keep thirsty my friends!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: My Appearance on John and Ken – And More On Taxes and Borrowing

Yesterday I had an opportunity to spend 30 minute on the John and Ken program on KFI radio. If you get some time, I encourage you to listen to the audio of our segment, which you can access on their website here (6/28, 3 p.m. segment), or by clicking the attachment below. We spent our time lamenting the about-face of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, whom we all helped in both of his election campaigns, bolstered and motivated by his fierce campaign rhetoric opposing any tax increases. Of course, the Governor is now touting a multi-billion dollar sales tax increase as a responsible solution for our state’s overspending problems. Or to put it another way, the Governor feels that taxpayers should increase the amount of money that is fleeced from California taxpayers to continue to feed the massive spending that has been largely driven by the liberal Democrats who control the state legislature. That position is irresponsible.

The Governor is on… Read More

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