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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Republican Budget Plan Offered

This afternoon, a Republican budget package was released at a press conference here at the Capitol. It has no tax increases in it and is a very responsible base to work from in the budget discussions that need to happen very soon. Speculation is there will be an actual vote on it in the Senate. Many details [and criticisms from the spending community] will come soon!… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Why should taxpayers bail out spendthrift Legislature and governor?

Imagine a family – we’ll call them the Smiths – who are financially successful beyond the dreams of most Americans.

They have all the trappings of wealth – a large custom home with a pool and a wine cellar; a ski chalet in the mountains and home at the beach; two expensive cars in the garage; membership at a private golf course; designer clothes; annual exotic vacations; all the latest toys and gadgets for their children – the list goes on.

Now imagine the Smiths have hit tough financial times – but not because of job losses or failing health; in fact both Smiths have received substantial pay raises and bonuses in the past five year.

No, their financial woes stem from overspending and poor planning. For every dollar they’ve earned, a $1.10 was spent.

The most likely means to eliminating their debt and building a savings is through selling off assets and cutting back on vacations, designer clothes and golf.

But the Smiths will have none of that. Instead they ask for their friends to bail them out. Of course, their friends are outraged. After all, the friends have acted responsibly by living within their means and putting… Read More

Jim Battin

It was a great run…..

Even though I officially term out the end of November, today is really my last day as a voting member of the California Legislature. (except for that pesky budget – which I am going to ignore in this farewell post – we’ll get it done eventually).

I’ve had the great honor and privilege of serving my constituents for 14 years and I have to say — it was a great run.

My father’s career as a member of congress and later a federal judge is what got me interested in public service. He showed me if you stayed true to your beliefs and handled your responsibilities with integrity, then you could make a positive difference. I hope I lived up to his standard.

Fourteen years ago I thought I’d give it a shot and ran for the Assembly. I knew from the beginning I was going to win – it was only after I was elected did I learn that nobody else in Sacramento shared my optimism. You’re not supposed to be able to beat the Democrat Majority Leader and Willie Brown’s handpicked heir apparent as the next Speaker. Nobody told me that. Nobody told the voters that, and we won that year be 13… Read More

Meredith Turney

Conservatives, Rejoice

After escaping Obama-ville (Denver) on Wednesday, I’m now in Minneapolis for pre-RNC meetings. This morning I was with some national conservative leaders when news broke of Governor Palin’s selection as John McCain’s running mate. The feeling in the room was electric. A few of the pro-life leaders in the room began jumping up and down they were so excited.

There was a lot of trepidation about other potential VP candidates as anticipation grew this week, but with Governor Palin, conservatives are finally on board and fired-up about their presidential ticket. The mood in the room was a mix of surprise, relief, excitement and confidence that we can really win this election. As a conservative woman, I’ve always believed that it would be sad for someone like Hillary Clinton to be the first female to reach the White House. So as a conservative woman, it’s thrilling that our party—and especially conservatism—will make history with Vice President Sarah Palin. Thank you, Senator McCain, for making a bold choice with your running mate; I believe it’s a winning decision.

For the grassroots, the energy of this campaign started to shift during the Saddleback… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Single Payer Health Care Bill Passes

SB 840, the government run health care plan just passed 44-31 on the 2nd ballot.… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Dems deny vote on continuing resolution

A motion to hear a bill for a ‘continuing resolution’ to keep paying bills due to Californians was just defeated on our floor. It was another party line vote.Therefore, vendors, clinics, employess of the state that could’ve been temporarily paid in full, asthey are owed, are denied that opportunity of even hearingthe bill to pay them until the budget itself [60 days late] is resolved.… Read More

Jill Buck

On the Frontlines of the RNC Convention…McCain Mojo in Minneapolis!

Just try to wipe the smile off my face tonight! What a day it was in Minneapolis! This morning in the midst of the Rules Committee meeting, the esteemed Chairman of Georgia announced Senator McCain’s VP choice, and the room erupted in a spontaneous standing ovation and cheers. When it was time for the press conference, we recessed and watched the news together…one man and one woman from every state and U.S. territory…the chemistry in the room was reflected in our new GOP Presidential ticket, and the excitement was absolutely delicious! We clapped until our hands were numb, smiled until it hurt, and cheered with reckless abandon. We all felt that we were witnessing something truly great and historic. The McCain Mojo is alive and well in Minneapolis!!!

I must also report that my fellow California delegate to the Rules Committee, Bob Laurie, co-authored a very important amendment today that will enfranchise active duty military members in the primary and delegate selection process in our Party. It was… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Illegal immigrant drivers licenses

SB 60 justed passed with a bare 41 votes, allowing drviers license/ID’s for illegal immigrants as part of the federal "Real ID Act".… Read More

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