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Jon Fleischman

Governor’s “Compromise”: Higher Taxes AND Borrowing – Do as I say, not as I do?

Much has been written about the August budget put forward by Governor Schwarzenegger last week. At his press conference announcing his plan, the Governor said that his budget plan was “a fiscally responsible compromise” and will “put our state on the road to fiscal sanity.”

In reality, after spending some time looking it over, and discussing it with state policy experts in more detail, the Governor’s proposal will do nothing of the sort. It includes more borrowing and higher taxes on hard-working Californians so the liberal majority in the Legislature can increase spending by billions of dollars. Worse for taxpayers, his plan will still leave California with a $7 billion deficit next year.

The Governor said that more borrowing in the budget is “not a wise idea and I will not do that.” This is very confusing because on the face of it — well, it’s not true. When I look over the plan, I see billions in… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Governor’s “Compromise”: Higher Taxes AND Borrowing – Do as I say, not as I do?

Much has been written about the August budget put forward by Governor Schwarzenegger last week. At his press conference announcing his plan, the Governor said that his budget plan was “a fiscally responsible compromise” and will “put our state on the road to fiscal sanity.”

In reality, after spending some time looking it over, and discussing it with state policy experts in more detail, the Governor’s proposal will do nothing of the sort. It includes more borrowing and higher taxes on hard-working Californians so the liberal majority in the Legislature can increase spending by billions of dollars. Worse for taxpayers, his plan will still leave California with a $7 billion deficit next year.

The Governor said that more borrowing in the budget is “not a wise idea and I will not do that.” This is very confusing because on the face of it — well, it’s not true. When I look over the plan, I see billions in… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Assembly Monday

Monday’s schedule calls for our floor session in the afternoon, 1PM [or so] and also a key hearing of the Special Session Committee on Water. A couple water bond ideas will be heard [containing real storage?] as well as a bill on assessingthe green house gas effects by building water supply.

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday have nothing scheduled other than we are "on call of the Speaker." Friday has a floor session scheduled with Sunday being the last possible day to handle this years legislation [that is, without extraordinary steps to take any up after, such would require a super-majority to bring up]

Should be an interesting week, with bonds proposed and late nights likely.… Read More

Jim Battin

What Happens After Arnold?

Steve Poizner continues his momentum toward becoming our next Governor today when the highly regarded and consistenly conservative Weekly Standard featured him on their website in the article "What Happens After Arnold?".

I’ve know Steve for years and agree – if Steve runs –he’ll beastrong candidate.

We – that’d be us Republicans – have a huge job ahead of us in 2010. We have to find the strongest candidate for Governor and do everything we possibly can to elect him.

It’s bad enough with the kooky liberal Democrat majority in the legislature – that hasn’t seen a nutty idea that they’re not willing to pass into law. But can you imagine if they have a like minded leftist in the horseshoe signing those goofy ideas into really bad laws? Yikes – it makes me… Read More

Matt Rexroad

Support Proposition 8

Another local elected official in Woodland just sent me an e-mail asking why I was not listed as someone endorsing Proposition 8 (Marriage Protection). I did not have a good answer for that — except that I had not been asked for my official support of the measure until now.

Many local elected officials read this blog. You can add your name to the growing list of people supporting marriage as being defined as between one man and one woman by clicking here.

Just click on "Endorse Us Today" and add your information. I just did.

If you look at the endorsement list it already includes FlashReport bloggers Senator George Runner, Senator Jim Battin, Assemblyman Doug LaMalfa, West Covina School Board Member Mike Spence, and former Assemblyman Ray Haynes,… Read More

Meredith Turney

Recreate ’68 Wreaking Havoc in Denver

This morning the Obsession team was at the anti-war protest on the front steps of the capitol. We obviously had to be covert with the blatant anarchist presence. There was a heavy police presence as last night several weapons, bricks and poles were found hidden in the capitol mall. The rally was fairly peaceful, apart from the hateful, vile rhetoric spewing from the speakers. Of course, Cindy Sheehan was in her element, along with the Green Party presidential candidates and other anti-war radicals.

At one point, FNC reporter Griff Jenkins approached the stage to try and interview disgraced CU professor Ward Churchill. He was rebuffed by burly “security” thugs and pushed back. A crowd had assembled around Jenkins and began chanting “F*** Fox News!” The whole time Jenkins maintained his cool but even from a few feet away, I was concerned about his safety and other reporters trying to cover the situation. One of our team members, Tom Trento, was right in the middle of the action and filmed the entire episode. At this moment, the protest is marching towards the convention center.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: GOP Convention Program: Where are the anti-tax hawks? I found everyone else…

As the Republican National Convention approaches (I fly out in one week – to provide FR readers with live updated from the ground throughout the big event), I am starting to get excited about a week in Minneapolis with thousands of fellow Republicans, unifying around our nominee, and celebrating a political party, that for over a century and a half has stood for freedom, limited government, and family values. I’m excited to be a member of the California delegation!

As a strong conservative, I have to admit that I was more than a little bummed earlier in the week when I received a press release from the outstanding free-market group, The Club for Growth, in which they were expressing their disappointment that a whole host of real taxfighting leaders nationally for the GOP do not appear on the convention program. Among those singled out by the Club for their absence are Senators Coburn and DeMint, the clear leaders for fiscal sanity in the upper chamber. There… Read More

Jon Fleischman

GOP Convention Program: Where are the anti-tax hawks? I found everyone else…

As the Republican National Convention approaches (I fly out in one week – to provide FR readers with live updated from the ground throughout the big event), I am starting to get excited about a week in Minneapolis with thousands of fellow Republicans, unifying around our nominee, and celebrating a political party, that for over a century and a half has stood for freedom, limited government, and family values. I’m excited to be a member of the California delegation!

As a strong conservative, I have to admit that I was more than a little bummed earlier in the week when I received a press release from the outstanding free-market group, The Club for Growth, in which they were expressing their disappointment that a whole host of real taxfighting leaders nationally for the GOP do not appear on the convention program. Among those singled out by the Club for their absence are Senators Coburn and DeMint, the clear leaders for fiscal sanity in the upper chamber. There… Read More

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