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Jon Fleischman

Poizner at the RNC Convention

Here are some thoughts for FR readers from our Republican Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner:

“There has been a media frenzy this week in St. Paul over the new darling of the Republican Party Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. I’ve done more than a dozen interviews and it’s one of the subjects that always come up.

Let me start off by saying that my heart goes out to the Palin family. As a fellow elected official, I know that the families of candidates often suffer unwarranted media attention on issues that are frankly none of anyone’s business. Her record is fair game, but the actions of her teenage daughter are not.

So let’s talk about the substance of Gov. Palin. When Sen. McCain wisely chose her as his Vice President, I did some research. The more I discovered, the better I liked her.

She’s tough and a reformer. She’s taken on the state party chair and won. She’s taken on the state’s attorney general. She beat a sitting governor en route to the Governor’s mansion. She worked to stop the bridge to nowhere.

She’s rooted out corruption even when it’s in her… Read More

James V. Lacy

Campbell aide cannot use “false name” on ballot in early ruling

Judge Peter Polos of the Orange County SuperiorCourt has issued a tentative ruling that Congressman John Campbell’s District Director may not use the "false" name "Lou Penrose" alonein his race for the Dana Point City Council in this November’s municipal election. Instead, he must include his real name, and the ballot will state: "Lou Penrose, a/k/a Luigi Rossetti Jr."A final hearing will be held tomorrow afternoon where Rossetti may discuss his reaction to the tentative ruling, and the Court can receive any argument for changes. However, the County of Orange, the City of Dana Point, and the Plaintiff have all agreed to the tentative ruling.

Rossetti adopted the name "Lou Penrose" as a radio personality for a small radio station in Palm Springs, CA a number of years ago. Rossetti kept the name for political meetings, but refused to legally change his name and uses the name "Luigi Rossetti, Jr." on his drivers’ license, and for legal documents, such as ownership of his home in Dana Point. He is registered to vote as "Lou Penrose Rossetti,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Paul Cook, Fine American

Just got to chat for a few minutes with Assemblyman Paul Cook. He (and his lovely wife) are on our bus to the ExCel Center. He’s a great conservative in addition to being one of the state legislators here being chided by the Governor. Once the Governor figures out there is zero will amongst his GOP brethren for a tax increase, perhaps we’ll be closer to a budget. Otherwise, why NOT be here?… Read More

Mike Spence

Was Fred Thompson’s Speech really Arnold’s?

A second person told me that Fred Thompson’s great speech last night was mostly the one Arnold Shwarzenegger was to give at the RNC Convention.

I assume it as the last have that didn’t deal with current events. It is your call, but would the Governor give a speech that included discussion of character? And attributes like "Strength. Courage.Humility.Wisdom.Duty.Honor."

If so it was a good thing he kept his word this time not to come.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Day Three at RNC

Everyone is excited to see how Vice Presidential running mate-mate Alaska Governor Sarah Palin does in her big convention speech tonight. I know that I am ready for another convention session to begin. Senator Fred Thompson hit a “home run” for McCain last night, which was awesome. And despite his reminder of how I disagree with Senator McCain on a few key policy issues, Senator Joe Lieberman gave a wonderful talk “over the heads” of watchful delegates to independent swing voters across America (he did succinctly remind me of a lot of issues where I disagree with McCain, but then I quickly remembered that those pale in significance to horrific prospects of an Obama Presidency).

Before going I’m enjoying my seats in the Alternate section. Our delegation is awkwardly seated on the actual floor, to the back right hand side of the stage, but the Alternate section, just off of the floor, is front and center in front of the podium! It’s been great walking around the convention, meeting and shaking hands with GOP… Read More

Matt Rexroad

Prop 9, CVU response to Susan Fisher

Crime Victims United of California is in a debate with the staff in the Governor’s Office on Proposition 9. After learning a little bit about the status of victims in our criminal justice system I can’t imagine not supporting this measure.

This is a copy of their letter to Susan Fisher, the Victim Advocate for Governor Schwarzenegger.

Proposition 9 is the result of a failure of the Legislature to adopt protections for the people that are victims of crime.

August 28, 2008 Dear Susan, Thank you for your prompt response to my email regarding Marsy’s Law – Proposition 9. While I sincerely appreciated your response and the concerns you raised, I continue to be perplexed by your lack of support for the initiative. Furthermore, I – along with other proponents for the measure – am quite disappointed with your lack of involvement as the Governor’s Crime Victim Advocate. As I mentioned in my previous note, Marsy’s Law is a victims’ initiative that deserves the support of the Governor’s Victim Advocate and the Governor himself. With regard to the concerns you’ve raised, I must say… Read More

Meredith Turney

Busy Schedule for CA Delegation

It’s been non-stop action for the California Delegation since Saturday evening here in St. Paul. The convention has scaled back out of respect for the crisis on the Gulf Coast; and it’s entirely appropriate to focus our nation’s attention on the trials of our fellow citizens at this time. But now that the imminent danger has passed, delegates are also taking care of the important business of nominating the team we believe is best qualified to lead our nation for the next four years.

Jon and Jill have posted about some of their experiences already—and with so much taking place at a national political convention, there’s a lot to cover. Yesterday the delegation heard from former Governor Pete Wilson who delivered a stirring speech about the socialist policies of Barack Obama. What few of Obama’s acolytes fail to understand is that for all his charisma and teleprompter-eloquence, the junior senator from Illinois wants to be President of the United States, not president of the West Wing television show.

We also heard a moving presentation from American hero Captain Jerry Coffee, a Vietnam War prisoner. His compelling story about 7 years in a Vietnamese… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Correa’s Connundrum

Frankly, I have been pretty impressed with Democrat Senator Lou Correa in this year’s budget stand-off. While every other Democrat Senator has had no problem showing a willingness to compound the financial woes by punishing California taxpayers with more taxes, Correa, who campaigned rather overtly as a "different kind of Democrat" and on a pledge to voters that he would oppose new taxes, has not gone along with his socialist-leaning colleagues. On a recent budget vote, which included a massive sales tax increase, Correa refused to go along, abstaining and withholding his vote.

That said, it is possible that my positive thoughts about Correa in this budget stand-off may be misplaced, after all. Yesterday, the Orange County Senator voted not once, but twice against motions to allow for hearings on a bill by Republican Senator Jeff Denham to provide vital services to Californian’s most vulnerable customers of government. Most recently, yesterday Senator Jim Battin made a motion to have a hearing on the bill, and Correa… Read More

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