“Voices” on Recall
A good synopsis from the Gov’s press team…. Voices Heard ‘Round The State…California Correctional Peace Officers Association’s Recall Attempt Just Another Political Intimidation Tactic
Sacramento Bee: “Union leaders can’t buy Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has never accepted CCPOA contributions, so now they want to recall him.” (Editorial, “A Desperate Ploy From Guards Union,” Sacramento Bee, 9/9/08)
CCPOA’s Actions Are A “Desperate” Attempt To Bully The Governor Towards High Pay Raises
San Diego Union-Tribune: “This Is A Bullying Tactic Designed To Force The Governor To Go Along With A Raise.” “… Everything about this reeks – starting with the group pushing for a recall. The prison guards union isn’t motivated by altruism; instead, this is a bullying tactic designed to force the governor to go along with a raise for CCPOA members.” (Editorial, “Recall Folly,” San Diego Union-Tribune, 9/9/08)
Union Trying To Use… Read More