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Jon Fleischman

A Surprise Target

California’s 10th Assembly District was one of the top three Republican ‘defense’ seats during the 2002 legislative elections. But, after handily carrying the district, incumbent Alan Nakanishi has had little problem holding the seat in subsequent elections.

That is all likely to change this year. The Democrats have moved the 10th Assembly District near the top of their wish-list, and for good reason. First, the seat is open, which always makes for a more interesting contest. Second, a once six-point Republican partisan voter registration advantage has shrunk to just two points.

The 10th District is located in the San Joaquin Valley, split over four counties — El Dorado, Amador, Sacramento and San Joaquin. Compounding matters for Republican strategists, not only was there a pretty brutal GOP primary contest back in June, but this seat… Read More

Matt Rexroad

McCain Palin Stuff

Since the convention ended I’ve had probably 40 calls for McCain Palin gear. So I went to and got some stuff for Yolo County. It came right away.

They sent me enough McCain/Palin bumper stickers for anyone in Yolo County that is willing to put one on their car.

My constituents are e-mailing me and I am sending out the stuff.

McCain/Palin may not win the People’s Republic of Davis but we should do the right thing in Woodland.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Governor, Meet Your GOP Legislators…

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger met yesterday with legislative Republicans. When he went to go speak to a closed meeting of Assembly GOPers, they were all wearing name tags, with Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines pointing out to the Sacramento Bee (I read it on the Capitol Alert e-mail) that some of his caucus members had yet to meet their Republican Governor.

Well, this played right into a quote that the Governor gave in an interview to a German magazine, where he talked about how he barely ever talks to Republican leaders in California. These legislators are our leaders, and it is unfortunate that the Governor was dismissive of them in that interview.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

FR Unveils New Website URL For CA Taxpayers Assoc, –

This morning it is my unfortunate duty to unveil a new website address for the so-called California Taxpayers Association. Until now, you could only access their website by going to But we here at the FlashReport officially unveil, which will take you straight to the home page of this group which has endorsed huge multi-billion dollar sales tax increase proposed by Governor Schwarzenegger as part of a “compromise budget” that seeks to punish California taxpayers for years of massive over-spending.

It speaks volumes about TaxCal (our new name for the group) that now, during a time when pro-taxpayer groups are rallying behind our strong Republican legislators, that they have broken ranks and embracing bigger, fatter state government. This is exactly the time when you get to learn who are real taxpayer advocates, and who are not.

The decision to endorse the Governor’s tax plan was made by TaxCal’s super-top-secret Board of Directors.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: FR Unveils New Website URL For CA Taxpayers Assoc, –!

This morning it is my unfortunate duty to unveil a new website address for the so-called California Taxpayers Association. Until now, you could only access their website by going to But we here at the FlashReport officially unveil, which will take you straight to the home page of this group which has endorsed huge multi-billion dollar sales tax increase proposed by Governor Schwarzenegger as part of a “compromise budget” that seeks to punish California taxpayers for years of massive over-spending.

It speaks volumes about TaxCal (our new name for the group) that now, during a time when pro-taxpayer groups are rallying behind our strong Republican legislators, that they have broken ranks and embracing bigger, fatter state government. This is exactly the time when you get to learn who are real taxpayer advocates, and who are not.

The decision to endorse the Governor’s tax plan was made by TaxCal’s super-top-secret Board of Directors. Well, I don’t… Read More

Inside the Beltway News–Wednesday

My dayjob duties have recently expanded to include more frequent travel to places like Adairsville, Ga., Manitowoc, Wisc., and Kewanee, Ill. which means that I am not only (thankfully) outside the Beltway Bubble but also in some refreshingly nice, Red Town kind of places. And, it means it has been so long since I posted that I nearly forgot my password–luckily the "name of my first pet" reminder prompt helped me recover.

LA Observed notes some interesting updates on the Calif. media scene; "Wilshire & Washington" blogger Ted Johnson has an interesting take on the Twin Cities protests and his own "recovery" efforts, and also writes on Hollywood/musical acts’ take on the candidates. Does anyone care what "Heart" really thinks? These dreams might not go on.

Over at Politco, Sen. Ensigh (R-Nev.) speaks the truth on his party and his views on leadership support. The paper is also heavily promoting their swing state map, here. And,… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Obama/Biden Campaign “Dumb Things I Gotta Do Today” List

Update: Wednesday Morning

1. Barack-Backpedal from lipstick on a pig statement

2. Joe-Backpedal from the great idea of he [instead of Hillary] running for VP with Barack

3, Barack and Joe-Keep distance from supporters comparing the top of ticket to the Messiah, and from Guv. Palin’s never having an abortion being her primary qualification.

4. Barack and Joe-Thursday’s "Dumb Things" list-Try not to screwup on 9/11

Tuesday Morning 1. Barack-Insult at least 51% of the U.S. population by comparing Gov. Sarah Palin to a lipstick wearing pig.

2. Joe-Insult at least 51% of the U.S. population by telling the press that Gov. Sarah Palin running for VP is a setback for women.

3. Barack and Joe-thoughtfully prepare Wednesdays "Dumb Things" list… Read More

Barry Jantz

“Voices” on Recall

A good synopsis from the Gov’s press team…. Voices Heard ‘Round The State…California Correctional Peace Officers Association’s Recall Attempt Just Another Political Intimidation Tactic

Sacramento Bee: “Union leaders can’t buy Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has never accepted CCPOA contributions, so now they want to recall him.” (Editorial, “A Desperate Ploy From Guards Union,” Sacramento Bee, 9/9/08)

CCPOA’s Actions Are A “Desperate” Attempt To Bully The Governor Towards High Pay Raises

San Diego Union-Tribune: “This Is A Bullying Tactic Designed To Force The Governor To Go Along With A Raise.” “… Everything about this reeks – starting with the group pushing for a recall. The prison guards union isn’t motivated by altruism; instead, this is a bullying tactic designed to force the governor to go along with a raise for CCPOA members.” (Editorial, “Recall Folly,” San Diego Union-Tribune, 9/9/08)

Union Trying To UseRead More

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