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Katy Grimes

1991 Homicidal Handyman Case: My Jury Tampering Questions Linger

I received a jury summons in the mail last week. Whenever this happens, I stare at it for a few days or weeks, and then try to dream up an exotic excuse why I cannot possibly serve. I’m not trying to get out of my civic duty; I paid my civic debt years ago on a death penalty jury – and I was a casualty of jury tampering.

In 1991, I was assigned as a juror to the death… Read More

Katy Grimes

Starbucks: Virtue Signaling Public Potty Chain Also Serves Coffee

Following Starbucks’ corporate announcement that anyone can use the store’s restrooms, even without buying anything, I posted on Twitter: “Starbuck’s: A national public bathroom chain which serves mediocre espresso coffee topped with a frothy whip of white privilege, and an extra shot of millennial attitude.”

What prompted the post? While Starbucks’ executive chairman Howard Schultz travels the country on an apology tour for racial insensitivity, the Starbucks in my Sacramento… Read More

Richard Rider

MSM lies about the 2018 federal tax reform helping only the rich — 90% are better off. Take the test!

After the first of this year I contacted an old friend at the Tax Foundation, Executive Vice President Joe Henchman, a Californian who I’ve known to be a tax fighter since I first met him at age 16. I suggested that his well-respected nonprofit prepare an online federal income tax calculator.

What was needed — and the Tax Foundation subsequently built — was a website calculator for people to be able to input their own tax return numbers. Then the website would grind out the resulting federal income tax for 2017 AND 2018 — side by side. Of course, 2018 shows the effect of the remarkable federal income tax reform.

The MSM continues to claim that the tax reform doesn’t help “the little guy.” TOTAL BS, but a bogus assertion that is widely accepted by the public as fact. Granted, not EVERYONE benefits. But the OVERWHELMING majority — probably 90% or more — do end up better off in 2018 compared to 2017. The people who get hurt by this reform are the rich who live in batshit-crazy progressive strongholds — which usually have high state income tax rates.

California is the worst with its 13.3% top… Read More

Katy Grimes

Are Today’s School Shooters Yesterday’s Medicated Video Game Addicts?

Since the 1999 school shooting inColumbine, CO, it appears that a typecast of the shooters has emerged: teen boys who are depressed, isolated, medicated, jilted, have absentee or divorced parents, and play violent video games.

The latest school shooter opened fire at Santa Fe High School in Texas on last Friday, killing 10 and wounding 13. Police arrived on scene and engaged in a 30-minuteshootout. The shooter targeted and murdered a teen girl who rebuffed his advances.

The media has engaged in non-stop reporting on this. The media was still reporting on the Parkland, Fla.,Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in February, when Friday’s shooting happened. It’s as if the media’s incessant reporting is encouraging more demented teen boys to emulate the previous shooter.

Where Are theRead More

Katy Grimes

CA Assemblywoman and State Officials Back Trump ‘Sanctuary’ State Pushback

“He really was there to listen.”

California state, local and law enforcement officials met at the White House on Wednesday to assure voters and the media that the supermajority in Sacramento doesn’t speak for them on California’s Sanctuary State law or illegal immigration.

The Democrat-supermajority in the state Legislature and Democrat Gov. Jerry Brown passed and signed a law turning California into a “sanctuary state,” which prohibits local sheriffs, law enforcement and state officials from allowing federal immigration authorities access to illegal aliens in prison and jails. Senate Bill 54, signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown last year also prohibits police from asking people about immigration status, or working with federal agents on immigration enforcement. County jail officials are also prohibited from working with immigration agents as they had in the past, but are allowed to transfer inmates to immigration authorities only if they have been convicted of a… Read More

New ad campaign calls Nunes out over effort to hold Sessions in Contempt of Congress

Have you heard about Rep. Devin Nunes’ effort to hold Attorney General Jeff Sessions in Contempt of Congress? If you live in Nunes’ district and you haven’t, you will soon.

The Swamp Accountability Project, a c4, is running this ad for at least one week starting today on stations in Nunes’ district. The ad will air during the Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Lars Larson and Laura Ingraham shows:

Here’s the script:

Jeff Sessions. He’s a conservative hero. An icon. A legend.

Sessions was one of the first rock-ribbed conservatives to endorse President Trump.

He was an original creator of so much of the Trump agenda that has America winning again.

He’s been loyal to his principles, no matter how hard liberals attack him.

But now, Devin Nunes wants to hold Sessions in contempt of Congress.

Sounds like a scheme Nancy Pelosi cooked up over in San Francisco, don’t you think?

Tell Nunes to stop playing games and get back to work. Congress is… Read More

Katy Grimes

Fundraising Stunt by Firearms Coalition Attacks Pro-2A Senator

California Republican Senator John Moorlach has authored a bill to protect people attending peaceful rallies and public events by prohibiting thugs at these events from carrying weapons of all kinds.

However, in what appears to be a fundraising stunt, the California Firearms Policy Coalition claims Sen. Moorlach “is attacking your Second Amendment rights.”

The Need for SB 1099

“Antifa,” which promotes anarchy and communism, and disingenuously defines itself as “Anti-fascist activists,” is the most active, violent fascist group in America currently.

Antifa mobilized across the United States during President Trump’s election, and over Conservative speakers on college campuses. They have justified their use of violence as needed to combat perceived “authoritarianism.”

While most rational Americans identify Antifa as the real fascists, we watched in horror as Antifaprotesters hurled glass bottles and bricks at police officers at a march in Portland, Oregon in 2017. They attacked peaceful protesters at a “No to Marxism in America” rally in Berkeley, CA, with 2×4 boards, pepper spray, and beat people… Read More

Katy Grimes

California Democrats Push Communist Holiday Over President’s Day

California’s elected Democrats are pushing for a communist holiday, at the expense of a U.S. President’s Day. Remember during the Cold War when “better dead than Red?” was the thinking?

History repeats itself because evil never goes away.

Democrat AssemblymanMiguel Santiago, D-Los Angeles,authored… Read More

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