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Barry Jantz

Urdahl Responds to UT Story

San Diego County Board of Ed candidate Rose Urdahl on yesterday’s Union-Trib story

Dear Friends and Supporters:

In yesterday’s Union Tribune an article " Candidate acknowledges she lacks listed credentials" can be found in the local section. I owe each and everyone of you an explanation. I have spent my entire life trying to be a good hard working honest person.

First, lets set the record straight. I have taught many seniors and children arts and crafts throughout my life-time. In the 70’s I was a GPN and worked at the local hospital in the emergency room and delivery room in a tiny town in Kansas where I grew up. The hospital gave me training and I took courses at the hospital. Upon completion of these courses I was given a certificate that enabled myself to be employed at the hospital. A license was not required. I worked in this position for three years. I attended two years of college at Kansas State at Colby Community College. I lackRead More

Mike Spence

One Reporter’s Opinion Silenced. George Putnam R.I.P.

I was born in L.A. long after George Putnam had got his start, but he was still on T.V. broadcasting usually conservative opinion as I was a young man. He later went to back radio. To his credit he was on e of the first I heard talk about the impact of illegal immigration. TodayGeorge Putnampassed.

He was pioneer in the field and an L.A. Legend. Over 70 years in the entertainment/new biz. R.I.P.

Here is County Supervisor Mike Antonovich’s view on the patriot Putnam.

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Jon Fleischman

State GOP Blasts Galgiani For Endorsing Sales Tax Increase

Democrat Cathleen Galgiani just announced that she would support Arnold Schwarzenegger’s proposed multi-billion dollar tax increase that is included in what we here at the FlashReport call his "Capitulation Budget" — but I am happy to report that the State GOP has blasted Galgiani for breaking her promise to voters not to support tax increases! RELEASE FROM THE CALIFORNIA REPUBLICAN PARTY…

Is There A Tax Increase Cathleen Galgiani Won’t Support? Central Valley Democrat BreaksCampaign Promise…AGAIN

Just weeks after breaking her campaign promise to never vote for a tax increase, Assemblywoman Cathleen Galgiani (D-… Read More

Jon Fleischman

ABC’s Gibson Interviews Sarah Palin

Charlie Gibson interviewed Alaska Governor Sarah Palin for ABC’s Nightline. I found it to be an interesting exchange, and worthy of sharing. You can see it here. Since she can pronounce "Ahmadinejad" — she’s certainly more qualified than me to serve in the White House…Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Fund: The Sun King — Dana Rohrabacher

From today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary:

The Sun King

Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, a California Republican, thinks he has a partial solution to America’s dependence on high-priced foreign oil. But he says liberals and environmentalists are rejecting it.

Mr. Rohrabacher — who notes 130 pending applications for solar power projects on federal land administered by the Bureau of Land Management — has introduced a bill to allow the building of such plants without environmental-impact studies. He tells me that though the BLM has lifted a moratorium on new solar projects on public land that it imposed in 2005, applications are still being clogged up in a bureaucratic pipeline and no new permits have been issued to date. "We need… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Blog process test 4

Cloudspace Blog Process's test 3 —

=BD =BE… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Horcher, Allen, Setencich, Jahannessen, Briggs, ASHBURN(?)

If anyone wants to share with us what is in the water that Republican State Senator Roy Ashburn is drinking these days, please share it with us. For years now, a longtime FR friend (with a healthy dislike of the “Bill Thomas Machine” in the greater Kern County area), Ashburn has been a reliable conservative in the legislature, and a team player.

Lately, however, he seems to have “senioritis” – and this ailment is causing him to act in a peculiar and most unfortunate manner. Right now, more so than at any point than I can recollect, legislative Republicans have unified around a common line in the sand – that our state’s fiscal woes have been directly caused by year after year of massive spending increases (40% growth in less than 4 years) – and that California taxpayers should not be punished by the legislature’s overspending with the imposition of new or higher taxes.

Only one… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Horcher, Allen, Setencich, Jahannessen, Briggs, ASHBURN(?)

If anyone wants to share with us what is in the water that Republican State Senator Roy Ashburn is drinking these days, please share it with us. For years now, a longtime FR friend (with a healthy dislike of the “Bill Thomas Machine” in the greater Kern County area), Ashburn has been a reliable conservative in the legislature, and a team player.

Lately, however, he seems to have “senioritis” – and this ailment is causing him to act in a peculiar and most unfortunate manner. Right now, more so than at any point than I can recollect, legislative Republicans have unified around a common line in the sand – that our state’s fiscal woes have been directly caused by year after year of massive spending increases (40% growth in less than 4 years) – and that California taxpayers should not be punished by the legislature’s overspending with the imposition of new or higher taxes.

Only one… Read More

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