Urdahl Responds to UT Story
San Diego County Board of Ed candidate Rose Urdahl on yesterday’s Union-Trib story…
Dear Friends and Supporters:
In yesterday’s Union Tribune an article " Candidate acknowledges she lacks listed credentials" can be found in the local section. I owe each and everyone of you an explanation. I have spent my entire life trying to be a good hard working honest person.
First, lets set the record straight. I have taught many seniors and children arts and crafts throughout my life-time. In the 70’s I was a GPN and worked at the local hospital in the emergency room and delivery room in a tiny town in Kansas where I grew up. The hospital gave me training and I took courses at the hospital. Upon completion of these courses I was given a certificate that enabled myself to be employed at the hospital. A license was not required. I worked in this position for three years. I attended two years of college at Kansas State at Colby Community College. I lack… Read More