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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Compromise Budget Plan Up On Assembly Floor

Update: The bill was voted down 27 aye votes,all Reeps, to 45 no votes, all Dems

Our budget vice chair, Roger Niellois presenting on the budget package put forth from the Republican caucus, for vote right now. The bill is known as SB 1087, and amends the Budget Conference Committee report. It decreases spending from the original report document by over $5 billion. Though not a perfect document, as we hit day 71 of the ‘new’ fiscal year, this version is the best version so far that does not raise taxes, nor hurt the economy, and keeps spending priorities fairly well intact considering the mess we’re in. This is one we can live with.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Spitzer, others to turn down per diem payments…

Assemblyman Todd Spitzer is turning down any per diem payments related to budget sessions. So are two others. Maybe more will join in!… Read More

Mike Spence

State Bar May Oppose Prop. 8

Should we really believe the qualification ratings of the State Bar Association?

Radical lawyers continue to use the bar to push their agenda. Now they State Bar may consider taking a position on Proposition 8. Of course it would be to oppose overturning Ron George and the judicial activists that don’t care what the people think about marriage.

Guess what? Ron George will be speaking at the upcoming meeting. Balancing him out will be Tom Daschle

It is dangerous to allow organizations with political agendas like the State Bar to pretend to be unbiased keepers of the law. The State Bar has politicized itself and should not be part of the judicial selection process… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Letter from Bill Leonard to Cal Tax (or is that Tax Cal?)

State Board of Equalization Member Bill Leonard, a longtime FR friend, sent the following letter over to the President of the California Taxpayers’ Association, upon hearing that they had endorsed the Governor’s budget proposal that includes a massive, multi-billion dollar sales tax increase…

Teresa Casazza, President California Taxpayers’ Association

Dear Teresa,

I am sorry that I was unable to reach you this morning, but I did want to let you know as soon as possible that I oppose the decision of your organization to support general tax increases. If this position does not violate the charter of your organization, it should.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Letter from Bill Leonard to Cal Tax (or is that Tax Cal?)

State Board of Equalization Member Bill Leonard, a longtime FR friend, sent the following letter over to the President of the California Taxpayers’ Association, upon hearing that they had endorsed the Governor’s budget proposal that includes a massive, multi-billion dollar sales tax increase…

Teresa Casazza, President California Taxpayers’ Association Dear Teresa, I am sorry that I was unable to reach you this morning, but I did want to letRead More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Senate Votes Down Republican Budget Plan

The State Senate just gave thumbs down to the no tax budget plan advanced by the Republican caucus by a vote of 13 ‘aye’, all Reeps, and 21 ‘no’, all Dems.… Read More

Barry Jantz

CCPOA Announces Recall

As a follow-up to yesterday’s FR mainpage link to the SFChron Matier & Ross story, here’s today’s announcement as noted by California Special Districts Association….

Correctional Officers Announce Effort to Recall Schwarzenegger

The California Correctional Peace Officers Association (CCPOA) announced today that they will begin the process to recall Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

"It’s about leadership," said CCPOA spokesman Lance Corcoran. "Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is the worst governor in the history of worst governors …" The union is collecting the 65 necessary valid signatures to serve the governor aRead More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Today’s Commentary: The End Of Days

As the hijinks of the legislative and budget process lurches along, the "day-counts" are becoming a kind of interesting subplot…to me anyway. Now, with all the conventions over and the bill deadline over, it now can become time for the media to focus on why the Republicans should give in to a tax increase. Hey, everyone else is. What I mean by the day-countsis that today is the 70th day since the June 30 fiscal year or "working deadline" came and went. The latest budget ever was signed Sep. 5 so we have that record going for us,70 and counting.

Then, counting down, for us legislators termed out this year, we have79 days until wehave to get our stuff outof our state offices, November 26 at 5 PM, the Wednesday beforeThanksgiving. They want a couple days for the incoming crop to have their offices switched over, ready on the day of their swearing in Monday, Dec 1 at noon.

Our termsare technically until November 30 at midnight [83 days]so I guess my constituents will have tocall me or our staff by cell or at home for case work issues those last 4 days. Or maybe they find a way to do without their… Read More

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