McClintock Hopes Governor’s Veto Will Be Upheld
I won’t go into the irony of Governor Schwarzenegger’s office pushing out a quote from Senator Tom McClintock. But I think it is worthwhile for FR readers to see (and hear) what McClintock has to say about this budget proposal, and whether the Governor’s veto should be upheld.
Apparently McClintock appeared on the John & Ken Show yesterday… The exchange on this issue went this way…
QUESTION: “What did you think of the Governor’s Veto?” SENATOR MCCLINTOCK: “I think he’s absolutely right. The budget that was adopted this morning makes the problem significantly worse. It defies the first law of holes, which is, when you’re in one; stop digging. We dug an eleven billion dollar hole this past year. That is, we spent $11 billion more than we took in during the past year. This… Read More