Financial Crisis
There have been other things going on in Washington this week, but nothing is as important or urgent as the financial crisis. The situation has deteriorated significantly in the last few weeks. Basically, the markets for virtually all forms of cash or debt are frozen and non-functional worldwide. There is simply a lack of confidence or, more accurately, fear about who can meet their commitments and who can’t. That has locked up normal trading. This is not just a Wall Street problem. If this situation continues, every single American and probably every single citizen of any industrialized nation will be affected…..and not in a good way. The value of your savings account, your pension plan, your stocks or your mutual funds, depends on a functioning, transparent and liquid market. The market, right now, is arguably none of these things.
Yesterday, John McCain blamed SEC Chairman Christopher Cox. Nancy Pelosi blamed President Bush. A group of Republicans held a press conference to blame President Clinton and Democratic leadership. Barack Obama seemed to blame every Republican office holder in the last 14 years.
They are all wrong. And they are all right.… Read More