California’s Budget – Everyone Is A Winner AND A Loser
As Governor Schwarzenegger prepares to sign the California State Budget, we hear at the FlashReport are prepared to say that everyone involved in the process were winners AND losers.
The winners:
Legislative Republicans, led by Senate Republican Leader Dave Cogdill and Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines, draw a bright line in the sand and said that the problems caused by massive over-spending in state government WILL NOT be resolved by increasing taxes on Californians. In the face of Democrats who made as a top priority a hike in the state’s income taxes, and a Governor of their own party pushing a multi-billion dollar sales tax increase, GOP legislative solidarity won the day.
Legislative Democrats, due to their gerrymandered majority, managed to get through this budget season without a serious overhaul of California’s government. Decades of dominance by liberals in Sacramento has grown state government into a grotesque and massive one – in need of serious reforms.… Read More