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Jon Fleischman

California’s Budget – Everyone Is A Winner AND A Loser

As Governor Schwarzenegger prepares to sign the California State Budget, we hear at the FlashReport are prepared to say that everyone involved in the process were winners AND losers.

The winners:

Legislative Republicans, led by Senate Republican Leader Dave Cogdill and Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines, draw a bright line in the sand and said that the problems caused by massive over-spending in state government WILL NOT be resolved by increasing taxes on Californians. In the face of Democrats who made as a top priority a hike in the state’s income taxes, and a Governor of their own party pushing a multi-billion dollar sales tax increase, GOP legislative solidarity won the day.

Legislative Democrats, due to their gerrymandered majority, managed to get through this budget season without a serious overhaul of California’s government. Decades of dominance by liberals in Sacramento has grown state government into a grotesque and massive one – in need of serious reforms.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: California’s Budget – Everyone Is A Winner AND A Loser

As Governor Schwarzenegger prepares to sign the California State Budget, we hear at the FlashReport are prepared to say that everyone involved in the process were winners AND losers.

The winners:

Legislative Republicans, led by Senate Republican Leader Dave Cogdill and Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines, draw a bright line in the sand and said that the problems caused by massive over-spending in state government WILL NOT be resolved by increasing taxes on Californians. In the face of Democrats who made as a top priority a hike in the state’s income taxes, and a Governor of their own party pushing a multi-billion dollar sales tax increase, GOP legislative solidarity won the day.

**There is more – click the link**

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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

The 2008 Dirty Dozen


SB 1322-Removes requirement that school teachers cannot also be open advocates forCommunist overthrow of our government. I know, how would that be different than what goes on at college now?

AB 2747-Assisted suicide by heavy sedation. Subjecting those deemed terminal to contemplate "end-of-life options" such as total sedation. Nurses would offer these options without patient having first sought them.

AB 2567-California State Day of recognition for deceased San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk. Would be recognized primarily because of his sexual preferences. Was murdered in a rampage along with Mayor Moscone, who didn’t receive a state day of recognition.… Read More

Meredith Turney

Today’s Commentary: Americans for Prosperity Holds Budget Forum as Legislature Passes State Budget

It looks like California finally has a budget. This year’s budget drama may have set a record for the most protracted negotiations in state history, but none of the parties involved are necessarily happy with the outcome. Governor Schwarzenegger swept into power with promises to rein in Sacramento’s out-of-control spending. However, even the Governator hasn’t seen any more success than his predecessor in this area.

Responding togovernment’s continuing tax-and-spend addiction, Americans for Prosperity has been quite vocal and visible this year in its campaign to ensure taxpayers are protected. A few hours after the budget deal was announced, AFP held a budget forum to discuss this year’s budget and tactics for improving negotiations (i.e., protecting taxpayers) in the future.

Surrounded by the beautiful views in the Capitol View Room of the Hyatt Regency Hotel, dozens of capitol staff, policy makers, and AFP supporters assembled to asses the budget process and contemplate the future.

Moderating the forum was AFP’s California Chairman Peter Foy, also a Ventura County Supervisor, who… Read More

Meredith Turney

Americans for Prosperity Holds Budget Forum as Legislature Passes State Budget

It looks like California finally has a budget. This year’s budget drama may have set a record for the most protracted negotiations in state history, but none of the parties involved are necessarily happy with the outcome. Governor Schwarzenegger swept into power with promises to rein in Sacramento’s out-of-control spending. However, even the Governator hasn’t seen any more success than his predecessor in this area.

Responding togovernment’s continuing tax-and-spend addiction, Americans for Prosperity has been quite vocal and visible this year in its campaign to ensure taxpayers are protected. A few hours after the budget deal was announced, AFP held a budget forum to discuss this year’s budget and tactics for improving negotiations (i.e., protecting taxpayers) in the future.

Surrounded by the beautiful views in the Capitol View Room of the Hyatt Regency Hotel, dozens of capitol staff, policy makers, and AFP supporters assembled to asses the budget process and contemplate the future.

Moderating the forum was AFP’s California Chairman Peter Foy, also a Ventura County Supervisor, who… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Budget Revisions Pass Assembly And Senate

Both bills to change the budget provisions asked for by the Governor, tightening the rainy day fund from grabs by the legislature,and exchanging the 10% higher wage withholding for insteaddoubling thepenalty on income of taxpaying employers that owe more than $1 million in taxes,passed the Assembly and Senate. This heads off the veto and veto override and should receive the Governor’s signature on the entire budget document, probably Monday, after his review.

SCA 30, the rainy day fund, tighter version, passed 57-15 in the Assembly [before all vote adds or changes tallied]with all Republicans and many Dems in support. The taxpenalty on corporations, SB 28X passed by 42-31, with only Dem ‘aye’ votes and at least 1 Dem no vote. [28X still had the rest of the provisions that were in the previous version, AB 36XXX, including various accelerated tax payments and others.]

The win for the day was a ‘rainy day fund’ [I still think it’s a‘drought’ fund, like water behind a dam]that is more difficult for the legislature to get its hands on; getting rid of the unbelievable grab of 10%… Read More

James V. Lacy

Campbell is wrong to blame Cox

Congressman Campbell’s post just a little while ago that suggests critics of SEC Chairman Christopher Cox are "right" when they ascribe the current financial situation to him is political "piling on" that is not only wrong, it is really undignified. Campbell ought to think twice: once about the truth, and again about the district he was elected too.

As to the truth, Chris Cox has done a great job at the SEC protecting stockholders. He has enacted reforms that go far beyond what one would have expected from a Reagan Republican in the job. The current crisis is not somethingCox created. Frankly, if Campbell wants to blame someone, he might want to look to the mortgage brokers and secondarymortgage market businesses owned by his pals, who actually handled the bad deals, andwho have far more culpability than Chris Cox.

Orange County could benefit from a fair view of Chris Cox’s performance, not the typical "blame game" that Campbell exposes.How about you John? You’ve been a Congressmanbefore and during the crisis? What have you done to fix the system? Did you… Read More

It’s About Damn Time

California has waited too long to pass a State Budget. Now, on the eve of what almost all of us pray is an end to this standoff, we will have a budget the Legislature approves and the Governor will sign. So what is the lesson here? When Republicans stand united they can do remarkable things. This year we demonstrated our resolve and held the line against a tax and spend Governor and his willing Democrat accomplices. We did this by sticking to our principles and sticking together. To that end, I want to give a quick shout out to our Leader Mike Villines. Mike has demonstrated what real leadership can accomplish and, along with Dave Cogdill, deserves the lion’s share of praise for getting us to the finish line with our heads held high and our principles in place. Thank you Mike!… Read More

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