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Katy Grimes

Part ll: Why CA Water Bonds on June/Nov Ballots Need To go Down In Flames

Droughts are naturally occurring; water shortages are political and caused by corrupt and incompetent government officials.

Part l:Why Voters Need to Care About More Water Bonds on June/Nov CA Ballotsis HERE

With millions of dollars of unspent water bond money from 2006 and 2014 water bonds, why is there yet another a water bond on today’s June Primary ballot, and another on the November ballot?

The answers lie in the players behind nearly all of the water bonds.

Voters need to ask why Joseph Caves, Gerald Meral and Lester Snow have had their hands in virtually every bond measure dealingRead More

Jon Fleischman

CD48: Republicans Can Shut Out Democrats With Vote For Baugh

Because of the change in our election system where the two candidates with the most votes go on to the November election, there is an opportunity for Republican voters in the 48th Congressional District (Coastal Orange County) to advance two Republicans. This is significant because political observers have said that there is a very real chance that a Democrat could win this seat, which went for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump.

As a former Executive Director of the California Republican Party, I have a lot of experience reading polling data. Dana Rohrabacher will be advancing to the November election as the top vote-getter. I can say this with 100% certainty.

The question is whether or not the second spot will go to a Republican – former longtime Orange County Republican Party Chairman Scott Baugh — or one of the ultra-liberal Democrats?

Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have literally pounded Baugh with millions of dollars in false and misleading attacks because they are desperate to avoid a Republican grand-slam – no Democrats on the ballot in November.

If I were a Republican voter in this district – even a hardcore… Read More

Katy Grimes

Calif. Farm Workers’ Appellate Court Victory To Evict United Farm Workers Union

Where are the Gerawan Farming Workers’ ballots from the 2013 UFW decertification election?

Gerawan Farming workers just won a huge victory over the United farm Workers labor union and California Agricultural Labor Relations Board. In a 3-0 decision, the Fifth District Court of Appeal ordered the California Agricultural Labor Relations Board to count the workers’ ballots from the November 2013 election to decertify the United Farm Workers labor union, and issue a tally.

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Ron Nehring

State GOP acted decisively in blasting anti-Semitic Bay Area House candidate

Responding quickly to learning that a blatant anti-Semite had filed for Congress under the party’s banner in the Bay Area, the California Republican Party’s Board of Directors yanked John Fitzgerald’s default endorsement in the race for California’s 11th Congressional District.

Employing the bizarre tactic of attacking Jews using the platform of his campaign’s website, the CRP Board reviewed the candidate’s statements and swiftly determined he was not someone with whom the party would affiliate itself.

It’s interesting to note that in trying to explain away his brazen anti-Semitism, Fitzgerald in later posts on his site claims that he’s simply questioning the policies of the Israeli government. This is a common diversionary tactic anti-Semites use, characterizing their disdain for people of the Jewish faith as mere disagreement over Israeli government policy, or challenging the “Jewish lobby.”

Yet, this poor explanation doesn’t cover the fact that Fitzgerald’s smears against Jews start with the long debunked claim that Jews were somehow disproportionally involved with or played some kind of leading role in the African slave… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Why I Strongly Support Scott Baugh for Congress

Let me be clear from the outset.I have a political objective as I write this.One of my closest friends in the world, Scott Baugh, made a decision not too long ago to run for Congress where he lives in coastal Orange County. I’m hoping that by spending a little bit of time telling you about Scott that you will do one of two things.If you happen to live in California’s 48th Congressional District, I’m urging you to vote for him.Otherwise, if you know anyone who might living in that district, I’m hoping you can drop them a note, or share this. While I have supported many people for Congress over my years of active political involvement, I think it may be since another close friend of mine, Ed Royce, ran successfully for Congress in 1992 that I have felt this strongly about supporting someone for federal office.

I first met Scott in 1995 when he ran for office when the entire GOP establishment circled the wagons to recall turncoat Assembly Speaker Doris Allen.Scott ran in the recall election and replaced Allen.Scott went on to serve five years in the State Assembly and as fate would have it just a few years later, during his final term, he… Read More

Katy Grimes

California Dem Politicians Caused Homeless Crisis, Abetted by the Media

The explosion of California homelessness can be directly linked to the radical left’s determination to empty out the jails and prisons through legislation and ballot initiatives, claiming to be for safe neighborhoods and the well-being of our children. Combine that with the outrageous housing costs and lack of available affordable housing, and California is ground zero for a homeless explosion comparable only to colonies of feral cats.

The Democrat-dominated California Legislature has pushed and legislated policies that do nothing to decrease homelessness, and instead invite more of it to the Golden… Read More

Katy Grimes

Why Voters Need to Care About More Water Bonds on June/Nov CA Ballots

UPDATE: Droughts are naturally occurring; water shortages are government-created and political. Examples of this can be found in every water bond in recent history, put on the ballot by politicians, and passed by emotional voters.

California voters will be facing two more ballot initiatives claiming to be water bonds this year, totaling $13 billion. But the overall cost will be much higher for taxpayers. One water bond is on the June 5 ballot and a second one is on the November 6 ballot.

The most recent 2014 Proposition 1 water bond funding has not even been fully spent, and will not be spent by the end of 2018,… Read More

Ron Nehring

Latest vile anti-Semite to run for Congress is from California

It’s happened before: Some vile racist or anti-Semite runs for an office they have no chance of winning in the hopes of drawing attention to themselves, or their cause. This is exactly what happened earlier this year when Holocaust denier Arthur Jones ran for Congress as a Republican in the heavily Democratic 3rd Congressional District of Illinois. He has been denounced by the Republican Party but will still appear on the November ballot as a result of winning the uncontested GOP primary in the district.

Well, now we have another one of these guys. This time it’s here in California. Today’s vile anti-Semite is John Fitzgerald, who is running for Congress in the heavily Democratic 11th Congressional District in Contra Costa County. The district, in which Hillary Clinton won 71.% of the vote in 2016, is currently represented by Democrat Mark DeSaulnier.

Fitzgerald has zero chance of winning this seat, yet he currently has the official endorsement of the California Republican Party by virtue of being the only Republican running for the office. Under rules adopted by the party following the passage of California’s deeply flawed top-two primary system, the… Read More

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