Governor Wields Line Item Veto Pen — Exec. Order Terminating Thousands To Stay In Effect
Well, earlier today Governor Schwarzenegger signed the budget. But he didn’t sign everything — the Governor took the opportunity to make healthy use of his line-item veto authority. One distinct advantage of a budget getting to the Governor’s desk over his own objection is that he has no commitment to authorize all spending in the budget — and he didn’t.
The Governor has used his line-item veto authority to cut $510 million out of liberal spending programs sponsored by Democrats and championed by the special interest groups that push their buttons.
Also, remember the executive order the Governor signed terminating thousands of part-time, retired annuitant and other state workers? Well, first and foremost, it has saved us $340 million since it was put into place. But better yet, my sources in the Governor’s office tell me that Finance Director Mike Genest and Cabinet Secretary Dan Dunmoyer alerted all agencies today that the executive order will remain in effect through the year. That means no hiring back all of the state workers who, apparently, we were able to do without for the past couple of months. More good news for… Read More