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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: BREAKING NEWS: Dan Dunmoyer Resigns, Governor Taps Vickie Bradshaw as New Cabinet Secretary

**A FlashReport Exclusive — We Had It Here First**

One of Governor Schwarzenegger’s most senior staff members, and certainly the highest placed conservative in the administration, Cabinet Secretary Dan Dunmoyer, is leaving the administration. Replacing Dunmoyer will be another Republican, Victoria Bradshaw, currently the Secretary of the Labor and Workforce Development Agency. This change at the highest levels of the Schwarzenegger Administration will be publicly announced later this morning.

There will be a short transition, but as Dunmoyer told me in a conversation last night, “Vickie is already prepared to hit the ground running.”

In addition to be a current agency secretary since 2004, Bradshaw… Read More

Jon Fleischman

BREAKING NEWS: Dan Dunmoyer Resigns, Governor Taps Vickie Bradshaw as New Cabinet Secretary

**A FlashReport Exclusive — We Had It Here First** One of Governor Schwarzenegger’s most senior staff members, and certainly the highest placed conservative in the administration, Cabinet Secretary Dan Dunmoyer, is leaving the administration. Replacing Dunmoyer will be another Republican, Victoria Bradshaw, currently the Secretary of the Labor and Workforce Development Agency. This change at the highest levels of the Schwarzenegger Administration will be publicly announced later this morning.

There will be a short transition, but as Dunmoyer told me in a conversation last night, “Vickie is already prepared to hit the ground running.”

In addition to be a current agency secretary since 2004, Bradshaw… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Just Fade Away, Mr. Morgan

[Cross-posted from OC Blog]

California’s former Republican National Committeeman, Tim Morgan, has decided not to go gently into that good night.

According to today’s Los Angeles Times, he has filed a ethics complaint with the state bar against OC District Attorney Tony Rackauckas and OCDA spokeswoman Susan Kang Schroeder:

In the complaints filed with the state bar, Morgan accused Rackauckas and Schroeder of unprofessional conduct for allegedly prejudicing Guardado’s parole hearing through comments about the inmate and the case.

Give it up, already.

No one forced Tim Morgan to write a letter supporting the parole of a man who was a willing participant in a heinous thrill murder. He did that of his own free will, and even traded on the Republican National Committee name by… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

The Bills Come Due

As today is the last day for processing this year’s body of work of the Legislature, we can hope the results are good as they will certainly be interesting. Some of the "really big" ones are left to process, such as the Single payer [gov’t run]healthcare, and the drivers license/ID issue. These should not result in any surprise. Now, the texting ban bill passing wasn’t a surprise…now really, in this atmosphere?. As soon as that bill was proposed I knew that was a slam dunk in this place. If the hand held cell phone ban bill passes [which may be the most defiedrule ofthe road besides speed limits] then anything can.

Good luck with your ‘favorite’ bills you’re watching today!… Read More

Jim Battin

Today’s Commentary: Democrat Consultant Richie Ross Takes On The World

For those readers that don’t know him, Richie Ross is one of the powerhouse political consultants on the Democrat team. He is somewhat of a legend in Democrat circles – and is infamous to Republicans.

What makes Richie noteworthy this year is that he has decided that instead of having his Democrat client candidates attack their Republican opponents, he has them taking on the world instead.

Case in point (1): Democrat Fran Florez is running against Republican Danny Gilmore in AD 30.

**There is more – click the link**

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Jim Battin

Democrat Consultant Richie Ross Takes On The World

For those readers that don’t know him, Richie Ross is one of the powerhouse political consultants on the Democrat team. He is somewhat of a legend in Democrat circles – and is infamous to Republicans.

What makes Richie noteworthy this year is that he has decided that instead of having his Democrat client candidates attack their Republican opponents, he has them taking on the world instead.

Case in point (1): Democrat Fran Florez is running against Republican Danny Gilmore in AD 30.

Danny is discussing his plans to lower gas prices, secure California’s water supply, keeping taxes low and his opposition to releasing prisoners early.

Fran is taking on…… China. Yep, China. For whatever reasons known only to her and Richie Ross, Fran Florez believes that the voters in her area aren’t interested in the issues Gilmore has been talking about – but rather are angry at China.

You can watch this rather remarkable spot (gong and all): … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Who voted for and against the bail out?

Here is how the vote went down among our California Republicans: PATRIOTS (voted no)Brian Bilbray John Doolittle Elton Gallegly Duncan Hunter Darrell Issa Kevin McCarthy Devin Nunes Dana Rohrabacher Ed Royce WELFARE FOR WASHINGTON (Voted Yes)Mary Bono Mack Ken Calvert John Campbell David Dreier Wally Herger Jerry Lewis Dan Lungren Buck McKeon Gary Miller George Radanovich

Is your representative a Democrat? Look them up on the Roll Call vote here.

It was very… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Bail Out Goes Down In House Vote

The House of Representatives just REJECTED the $700 billion dollar bail-out of Wall Street. YES!!

Largely on the strength of Republican opposition, but also with healthy opposition from House Democrats, the bill could only muster 205 votes, 13 short of that necessary for passage.

To reiterate my comments from this morning, IF you can get past the immoral nature of using tax dollars from person A who took no risk to subsidize the bad investments of person B, then you are confronted with the fact that this bail out legislation contains no real provisions to get the federal government out of the business of monkeying with market forces.

The reality is that eventually the balloon is going to burst, values of property have been skyrocketing well beyond realistic levels. How bad will the burst be? That depends on who you talk to about it. But it is certain the the legislation that was rejected by Congress today gives too much authority and power to Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson. Paulson, the former Chairman of the Board of Goldman Sachs, and who has an estimated net worth of around a half-billion dollars, is hardly the kind of person you want to… Read More

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