241 Debate, Part 2 – Sanity Makes A Comeback
Earlier this year, the California Coastal Commission, with the Grateful Dead literally playing in the background, decided to tube the completion of the 241 toll road on the grounds, well, to be quite honest, there weren’t many grounds for their decision.
Since that flight of hippy three ring circus fancy, cold economic and environmental facts began to become clear as the federal government stepped in and announced that they would take a look at overruling the Coastal Commission. Today, while many of the same interests converged on the Del Mar Fairgrounds as did in February, the Commerce Department took charge and the difference was as stark as that between the Dead and real life.
In real life, recent studies have proven what any kindergartener knows – boulders, like the ones that form surf breaks, are heavier than the inch or two of silt that may, during hurricane type runoff be deposited on the beach from the always dry creekbed five miles away that the 241 will be built some thirty feet over via viaduct.
And in real life, the Commission’s rulingputs more commuters on the 5 and local streets – causing the pollution that the enviros say they… Read More