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Jon Fleischman

Southwest to Sac

Maintaining a multi-year streak of always seeing someone I know on the flights between Orange County and Sacramento, today I am pleased to be joined on this mid-morning by Governor Schwarzenegger's Appointments Secretary John Cruz. Wheels up!… Read More

Shawn Steel

Today’s Commentary: Who wants to win the most?

To get a glimpse inside the Obama phenomena a Zack Exley, a true believer, walks us through the Ohio Obama grass roots organization. Republicans who care should turn green with envy and respectfor the intense organizational mastery achieved by Obama’s team.

I’ve heard bits and pieces about these grass roots activists. But here is the report from the Left’s trenches as they face our battlegrounds.This amazing piece comes from former Republican theoretician Arianna Huffington’s Post. Read More

Shawn Steel

Who wants to win the most?

To get a glimpse inside the Obama phenomena a Zack Exley, a true believer, walks us through the Ohio Obama grass roots organization. Republicans who care should turn green with envy and respect to the intense organizational mastery achieved by Obama’s team.

I’ve heard bits and pieces about these grass roots activists. But here is the report from the Left’s trenches as they face our battlegrounds.This amazing piece comes from former Republican theoretician Arianna Huffington’s,her Post. Read More

Meredith Turney

Who’s Reppin’ Your Hood?

This morning I was reading through Capitol Morning Report (an influential political subscription web site) and came across a press release from an organization called “My Hood Votes.” After doing a little internet research, I discovered that My Hood Votes is a “grassroots education and mobilization campaign designed to engage non-traditional voters in underserved Black neighborhoods commonly referred to as ‘the hood…’” The organization kicked off its campaign by holding a voter registration drive on Saturday in Compton. Photos of the event show several African-American men wearing Barack Obama t-shirts as they roam their “hood” registering voters.

Upon visiting the My Hood Votes web site, a profanity-laced rap song began playing: “Above the Law” by rapper Black Superman. It seemed an appropriate song to describe the My Hood Votes activities. If it wasn’t so alarmingly serious, the web site would almost seem like a stereotypical satire on the inner city. Take the message that greets web site visitors (along with the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: An Evening Spent With Hundreds Honoring Senator Jim Battin…

If anyone has any doubt about whether Vegas-style Casino gambling is thriving here in California, just take a trip as a I did last night to the Agua Calliente Casino and Hotel on Bob Hope Drive in Rancho Mirage. It is a beautiful facility, and based on the capacity crowd jammed into their casino, the dip in the economy isn’t hurting them a bit. Maybe everyone who is pulling their money out of the stock market is “investing” in blackjack, roulette or in some of the thousands of slot machines that sang in harmony as Assemblyman-Elect Jeff Miller and I avoided the whole gambling scene (a statement of self- acknowledgment of our lack of gambling skills) and made our way to a large ballroom at the back of the resort where Jeff and I joined a few hundred other people for an evening tribute honoring the retirement of one of California’s most effective and respected Republican legislators (who also happens to be a blogger for this website).

State Senator Jim Battin has been one heck of a great legislator, and last night Jim, surrounded by… Read More

Jon Fleischman

An Evening Spent With Hundreds Honoring Senator Jim Battin…

If anyone has any doubt about whether Vegas-style Casino gambling is thriving here in California, just take a trip as a I did last night to the Agua Calliente Casino and Hotel on Bob Hope Drive in Rancho Mirage. It is a beautiful facility, and based on the capacity crowd jammed into their casino, the dip in the economy isn’t hurting them a bit. Maybe everyone who is pulling their money out of the stock market is “investing” in blackjack, roulette or in some of the thousands of slot machines that sang in harmony as Assemblyman-Elect Jeff Miller and I avoided the whole gambling scene (a statement of self- acknowledgment of our lack of gambling skills) and made our way to a large ballroom at the back of the resort where Jeff and I joined a few hundred other people for an evening tribute honoring the retirement of one of California’s most effective and respected Republican legislators (who also happens to be a blogger for this website).

State Senator Jim Battin has been one heck of a great legislator, and last night Jim, surrounded by… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: A Potpourri of Endorsements

The San Diego Republican Voter Guide… See the piece here.

Lincoln Club of San Diego…

View the lists and a video. San Diego County Taxpayers Association… Take a look at the local ballot measure positions.

U-T: 52nd Congressional…

In the 52nd district, a rare open seat, Republican Duncan D. Hunter displays a far better grasp of the issues than Democrat Mike Lumpkin. Given the choices on the ballot, Hunter deserves election to the seat held by his retiring father. Read it and the other congressional endorsementshere.… Read More

Matt Rexroad

The sign wars — every election

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