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Jon Fleischman

AD 80 – Chariot Survey Shows Jeandron With 6.3% Lead

Assembly District 80 will be one of the most competitive in the California this November. This is the seat where incumbent Republican Bonnie Garcia barely won reelection in 2006, but is now retiring due to term limits. The GOP nominee for the seat is former Palm Springs Police Chief Gary Jeandron, a strong conservative. The Democrats have put forward as their nominee Manuel Perez, a liberal (so much for theory that competitive districts producing moderate nominees). Voters will have two candidates with contrasting political philosophies and visions for the future of the Golden State.

So how are things looking in this race? Longtime FR friend Jamie Fisfis is the principal of Chariot Research, and is well respected for his acumen in the public opinion (polling) field. He is just out of the field with a survey of voters in AD 80, and has shared the results with FR.

Here is what Fisfis presented to us…… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: AD 80 – Chariot Survey Shows Jeandron With 6.3% Lead

Assembly District 80 will be one of the most competitive in the California this November. This is the seat where incumbent Republican Bonnie Garcia barely won reelection in 2006, but is now retiring due to term limits. The GOP nominee for the seat is former Palm Springs Police Chief Gary Jeandron, a strong conservative. The Democrats have put forward as their nominee Manuel Perez, a liberal (so much for theory that competitive districts producing moderate nominees). Voters will have two candidates with contrasting political philosophies and visions for the future of the Golden State.

So how are things looking in this race? Longtime FR friend Jamie Fisfis is the principal of Chariot Research, and is well respected for his acumen in the public opinion (polling) field. He is just out of the field with a survey of voters in AD 80, and has shared the results with FR.

Here is what Fisfis presented to us…… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

IBD Editorial: Plan Will Save Free Market, Not Destroy It

Below you will find an editorial I penned for Investor’s Business Daily today.

Plan Will Save Free Market, Not Destroy It


This free-market, Milton Friedman devotee, conservative Republican congressman will be voting strongly in favor of the $700 billion bailout for Wall Street. What, you ask? Has the California sun fried my last brain cell?

No. I will vote for this bill because it will likely not cost anything, is not a bailout of anybody and will help every American with a bank account, a job or a retirement plan. It also will save the free market, not weaken it.

Allow me to explain.

The $700 billion figure so often mentioned will not be spent, but actually entirely invested with three different mechanisms to ensure that the taxpayers get all their money back.

First, these "troubled assets" will be purchased at less than the expected net… Read More

Meredith Turney

Conservatives in Hollywood

They may seem as elusive as a mythological creature, but conservatives do actually exist in Hollywood. And many of these outnumbered conservatives appear in the new film An American Carol, opening October 3. Last month Republican National Convention attendees had the opportunity to view the film in a special sneak preview. Many of the movie’s stars were in attendance, including Kevin Farley, John Voight, Robert Davi and producer David Zucker. Zucker is famous for bringing to the big screen popular movies like Airplane, Naked Gun, and Scary Movie—all films known for their irreverent humor.

A modern spoof on Charles Dickens’ classic A Christmas Carol, An American Carol lampoons documentary film maker Michael Moore and his ultra-liberal cohorts. In the film, documentary film maker Michael Malone (Farley) takes his antipathy for America to a whole new level by campaigning to abolish the fourth of July and its celebration (doesn’t get more un-American than that!). He is then visited by three spirits who show him the true meaning of American freedom and the cost of maintaining that freedom.

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Meredith Turney

What Happened to “Government by the People”?

Late last night the US Senate passed the massive Wall Street bailout—which went from three pages a week ago to the size of a novel after Congressional input. Both of California’s US Senators, Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein, voted for the bailout. The courageous House Republicans, who just a few days ago stood up to enormous pressure to approve the bailout, will now be under even greater pressure from lobbyists and Wall Street to follow suit. But the reason many Republicans (and Democrats), including my congressman, John Doolittle, voted against the $700 billion bailout is because they were receiving unprecedented contact from their constituents. Fearful of losing their elections next month, members actually listened to those they were sent to Washington, DC, to represent.

The House of Representatives’ web site was overwhelmed because of all the hits and emails. The American People—thanks mostly to the new media—are informed and engaged and they want their voice heard on an act so monumental that it will impact our country for decades to come.

With so many constituents calling their… Read More

Jon Fleischman

FR’s Top Twenty Bills to Veto – The Final Recap…

In 2008 Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger had 1187 pieces of legislation sent to him by the Democrat-controlled state legislature. Much of this legislation was terrible – which makes sense when you consider that all of these bills had to pass muster with the liberals who run the State Senate and State Assembly. Virtually any Republican bill of any substance was killed somewhere in the legislative process, ensuring that only bills that grow the size and scope of state government reach the Governor’s desk.

That said, the Governor vetoed 415 of the bills, and signed 772 of them. Interestingly, the Governor’s veto percentage of nearly 35% is the highest of any Governor. In spending time going through a lot of the bills that the Governor did sign, and considering that previous Governors (of either party) signed a greater percentage than Schwarzenegger, it’s no wonder state government is so big and fat.

For a short period of time, Governor Schwarzenegger actually threatened to veto ALL of the legislation on his desk.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: FR’s Top Twenty Bills to Veto – The Final Recap…

In 2008 Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger had 1187 pieces of legislation sent to him by the Democrat-controlled state legislature. Much of this legislation was terrible – which makes sense when you consider that all of these bills had to pass muster with the liberals who run the State Senate and State Assembly. Virtually any Republican bill of any substance was killed somewhere in the legislative process, ensuring that only bills that grow the size and scope of state government reach the Governor’s desk.

That said, the Governor vetoed 415 of the bills, and signed 772 of them. Interestingly, the Governor’s veto percentage of nearly 35% is the highest of any Governor. In spending time going through a lot of the bills that the Governor did sign, and considering that previous Governors (of either party) signed a greater percentage than Schwarzenegger, it’s no wonder state government is so big and fat.

For a short period of time, Governor Schwarzenegger actually threatened to veto ALL of the legislation on his desk.… Read More

Jill Buck

McCainiacs in Pleasanton!!!

We’ve got spirit, yes we do…

Today I stopped in at the Pleasanton Victory HQ, and talked with long time GOP pal, Judy Lloyd. We are both fired up for the debate tomorrow night, and can’t wait to see Biden vs. the Barracuda!!!

While in the office, I met Nathan Conrad, who is coordinating the Victory efforts in the Bay Area. I tried to get him to talk a little smack and lay down a challenge to his counterparts throughout the State. He told me that the Pleasanton office is making over 5,000 calls per week!


I got to see Justin Norell and Forest Tracy working the phones, and may I say…they are charmers! I don’t know how anyone could say ‘no’ if one of these gents asked them to vote for Senator McCain. Justin and Forest…you guys are awesome!

We need some precinct… Read More

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