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Matthew J. Cunningham

The Forces of Tolerance Sure Can Be Intolerant

Opponents of Proposition 8 like to style themselves sunny defenders of tolerance heroically facing down the dark forces of bigotry and intolerance. "Hate" is a word they are especially fond of throwing at Prop. 8 supporters. But they’re liberals, so it’s OK for them.

You can read about all that anti-Prop. 8 tolerance and love in action in this Modesto Bee article:

In a violent display of intolerance, an opponent of Proposition 8 attacked and seriously injured a man who was volunteering on Sunday for the initiative to define marriage as between and a man and a woman.

Prop. 8 supporter, Jose Nunez, 37, was brutally assaulted while waiting to distribute yard signs to other supporters of the initiative after church services at the St. Stanislaus Parish in Modesto.

The assailant grabbed about 75 signs and yelled at Nunez accusingly, "What do you have against gays!" Although Nunez replied that he had nothing against gays, he was attacked anyway.

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Jon Fleischman

Is Bill Emmerson really being challenged by the wedding singer?

We here at the FlashReport hear that there is an interesting political movement emerging in San Bernardino County. Apparently, and I wouldn’t have known this, it is getting harder and harder to find a wedding singer in those parts. Because of this, liberals in the 63rd Assembly District, currently represented by Dentist-turned-Legislator Bill Emmerson, are running a behind-the-scenes effort to pull the rug out from Emmerson’s Democrat opponent, the wedding singer, Mark Westwood (pictured).

I guess the presumption is that if Westwood were to become a member of the State Legislature, his time to “rock out” weddings and bar mitzvahs would be severely reduced. Actually, it’s not only that special once-in-a-lifetime event in your life that Westwood wants to “rock” – if you check out the website of the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

New McCain Web Ad… Starring…

If you struggled through the Presidential debate last night like I did, you knew two things would come from it. The first is that the McCain Campaign would start to use "Joe the Plumber" in their messaging. The second is a skit on Saturday Night Live featuring Joe. Well, check out the ad below from the McCain for President campaign… One down… … Read More

Matt Rexroad

Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association Supports Prop 11

For those who haven’t heard the news, look who has endorsed Prop. 11…


The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association today announced the endorsement of Proposition 11 to stop the conflict of interest of lawmakers drawing their own districts and choosing the voters they want to help ensure their reelection. “The current system fixes elections so that fewer than five percent of state representatives face a challenge to their reelection,” said HJTA president Jon Coupal. “This has resulted in a climate where lawmakers do not haveRead More

Jon Fleischman

Is McCain Toast?

With less than three weeks remaining in the election, John McCain isn’t quite political toast yet, but he’s under the broiler, there’s smoke around his edges and people are beginning to arrange the butter and jam.

McCain had his best debate performance of the election last night, and arguably might have won it. But that may be a bit like this year’s final tournament of the Fed Ex Cup golf playoffs. Vijay Singh had built such a lead by the time the final post-season tournament came around, all he had to do was complete it alive to win the $10 million Cup prize. Obama emerged from the debate on the defensive, with some bruises, but very much alive. That may be all he needed to do.

The daily national polls the media loves to tout are meaningless. To understand the condition of the presidential race, you have to look at the contest state by state. Right now, it looks very blue.

According to Real Clear Politics, Barack Obama has a clear lead in states with 249 of the 270 electoral votes necessary to win. He has a lead in states with another 37 electoral votes. John McCain has a solid lead… Read More

Barry Jantz

AD 78: Can’t Afford Block

A John McCann TV spot, up heavily on broadcast and cable…. More

James V. Lacy

Ohio Voter Fraud — and I’m there…….

In the midst of our own election in California and with a workload that would rival the weight ofAgamemnon’s armor,I am nevertheless in Columbus, Ohio, the state capitol for a few days, and there is no escaping full-blown court room political drama. More than 200,000 "voters" here will be required to cast "provisional" rather than regular ballots as a result of a Federal Court order that attempts to reconcile huge discrepancies between the secretary of state’s voter rolls and the actual voter roles of local election officials. Fast at work here have been ACORN and other Democratic voter registration groups that have been accused for vote rigging. Apparently, one individual here was registered to vote 72 different ways by these "do-gooders." In a tight, heavily campaigned swing state, that could make a difference. It looks like Florida all over again, but a midwest version, in this current Presidential election.

There is an underlying dirt to this election coming from the Obama supporters. Enemies lists. Threatening anonymous letters to Republican activists. Voter fraud. I predict we will… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary: Chris Lauer – “The ‘Liberal’-tarian Party of Death”

Today I am quite pleased to present this special guest commentary from long-long time FR friend Christopher Lauer… Flash

The "Liberal"-tarian Party of Death By Chris Lauer

Recently, I had an interesting political discussion with an old friend who is a proud, card-carrying member of the Libertarian Party. He was urging me with great enthusiasm to vote Libertarian in this year’s presidential election.

I explained to him that while I have sympathy for the Libertarian Party (and consider myself somewhat of a libertarian); I could notRead More

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