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Duane Dichiara

Today’s Musical Interlude

Another bad day at Wall Street.

During the Great Depression my one of my grandfathers says he earned more as a paperboy than most of the adults in his part of town (Kansas City), since they couldn’t find work. I guess he should have know gotten to know Pendergast better.

Today’s Musical Interlude: How long before we see this behind a commercial I wonder.

Brother, can you spare $700 billion?… Read More

OC Jewish Life: DeVore Kicks-off New Facility for Irvine Orthodox Congregation

Assemblyman Chuck DeVore is not shy about his support of the American Jewery. Irvine has a thriving Jewish Community and while DeVore is not Jewish himself, he is always on hand for community events and milestones.

Last month a new Orthodox congregation dedicated its new facility in the heart of Orange County, Chuck was there. This article appeared in the October edition of Orange County Jewish Life.Read More

Frank Schubert

Bailouts, Budgets and Vetoes

FR Readers, I don’t know whether you have had an opportunity to meet Frank Schubert. Frank is one of California’s premiere public affairs and political consultants — and is also a fine conservative. Some time ago, Frank began to pen a week "rant" over on his firm’s website. Very quickly I came to look forward to them as Frank would also write about issues that matter, with a healthy injection of cynicism or humor (whichever is appropriate depending on the subject). I am very excited that we here at the FlashReport have successfully lobbied to carry Frank’s Rant as a regular feature here on the FR Blog. Below is Frank’s most recent diatribe, and look for his next one later in the week! Jon Fleischman FR Publisher BAILOUTS, BUDGETS ANDRead More

Inside the Beltway News – Monday

"What do you make of this Johnny?" …one of many (so many) memorable lines in the classic David Zucker film, Airplane!. Looks like the trend continues, as Whishire&Washington reports the new Zucker film, An American Carol, is doing strong.

Over at TheHill, the POTUS campaigns spar over fundraising violations. Elsewhere in the paper Los Angeles Democratic Rep. Henry Waxman knocks executive pay on Wall Street. No word on if he knocks his colleagues positions on executive pay and percs at Fannie and Freddie. Sen. Stevens launches a new effort to seek dismassal of the case against him because he claims prosecutors hishandled evidence.

Two Calif. Reps. are BFF, awww, noted in The Hill gossip column.

Politico claims the Old Dominion… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Governor, isn’t it about time to show Kennedy the door?

Well, it’s Monday and it is entirely possible that Governor Schwarzenegger’s Chief of Staff, Susan Kennedy, is telecommuting via a video-conferencing set-up from her Marin County home. Must be nice. Hard to believe it, but it’s that time of year again. Time for the FlashReport annual “rant” about Susan Kennedy and call for the Governor to dump her and hire a Republican Chief of Staff.

It’s now been over two years since Governor Schwarzenegger passed up millions of Republicans in California to appoint Kennedy, a Democrat as his Chief of Staff (actually, it’s been 2 years and 31 days according to the still-operating count-up clock on the ultimately ineffective website).

Susan Kennedy is a former Executive Director of the… Read More

Shawn Steel

The Battle for Glendale: Jane vs. the Interloper

During the peak of the Reagan Revolution, fewer big cities were more reliable Republican than Glendale, an older suburb near Los Angeles. Glendale produced heroes Pat Nolan, former Assembly Republican Leader and Prop 13 baby [1978 to 1994] and Congressman James Rogan [1996 to 2000] of Impeachment fame, now a Superior Court Judge.

But things began to change in Glendale. Pat Nolan’s block by block precinct organization deteriorated. Demographics shifted. Democrats saw a golden opportunity and took over this once proud Republican stronghold, the assembly, the senate and the congressional seats.

Something is astir in the Glendale. Jane Barnett move back after serving the conservative movement in Sacramento and Morton Blackwell’s Leadership Institute in Washington DC. Shebegan to rebuild the invincible Nolan organization.

Jane is taking on incumbent Paul Krekorian, a former non descript school board member. district The 43rd. Assembly Districtis a former Republican stronghold. Jane seeks to return the district back to its natural home. … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Governor, isn’t it about time to show Kennedy the door?

Well, it’s Monday and it is entirely possible that Governor Schwarzenegger’s Chief of Staff, Susan Kennedy, is telecommuting via a video-conferencing set-up from her Marin County home. Must be nice. Hard to believe it, but it’s that time of year again. Time for the FlashReport annual “rant” about Susan Kennedy and call for the Governor to dump her and hire a Republican Chief of Staff.

It’s now been over two years since Governor Schwarzenegger passed up millions of Republicans in California to appoint Kennedy, a Democrat as his Chief of Staff (actually, it’s been 2 years and 31 days according to the still-operating count-up clock on the ultimately ineffective website).

Susan Kennedy is a former Executive Director of the… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

My Sunday Rant From Fresno

Federal Government – BROKE. California – BROKE. County Governments – BROKE. City Governments – BROKE. School Districts – BROKE.

There is the scorecard. And this is just what we know about government budgets and balance sheets. The unfunded pension, welfare and health care liabilities aren’t even known to most citizens or elected officials. They don’t even think about it. Many of them don’t have the intellectual capacity to even understand it.

We, as taxpayers, have provided record – let me repeat – record high levels of revenue to all levels of government – and it has been squandered. How do I define squandered? My definition is simple – there has not been an improvement in government services remotely commensurate with the increase in spending – thus, government has pillaged the taxpayer. And the taxpayer is helpless. Most of us have just thrown up our hands. The Pirates have taken over the ship.

The solution favored by a slight majority of the country is to elect someone to the Presidency who is without any peer in utter lack of experience. Obama has… Read More

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