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Barry Jantz

Recall Petition Fails to Include Guv’s Response: DOH!

I thought it was Politics 101 that a recall petition has to include a rebuttal from the targeted elected official before it can be circulated. And, that any decent consultant knows that. Or, any real player. I guess the California Republican Assembly was right to take a "watch" approach on whether to join the effort, as a way to see how the guards do in the initial stages.

Some advice to the guards: Seek advice.

Prison Guard’s Recall Petition Rejected By Secretary Of State

Sacramento, CA – The California Secretary of State’s Office today rejected the prison guard’s recall petition because of the union’s failure to include Gov. Schwarzenegger’s response to their recall effort on the petition violates California law.Read More

A Crew of Mostly B and C Rate Actors Say Vote

The Creative Coalition a non profit based in NYC but rooted in Hollywood that basically lobbies for actors to be able to say F*#K on television has launched a campaign with lots of mid-level talent telling Americans they should vote.

I have been a fan of the Creative Coalition ever since my buddy Devin Dwyer (who is now running for Huntington Beach City Council) got me into one of their super-hip events at the 2000 GOP Convention in New York. They actually fight for First Amendments rights and arts advocacy. Their events which raise money for their cause feature everyone from big-time movie talent like Leonardo DiCaprio to your standard mobster character actor like Robert Davi who you would totally know if you saw a photo of him.

In addition to people you sorta know the video… Read More

Jon Fleischman

AD15: Abram Wilson Launches New TV Spot

AD 15 GOP candidate Abram Wilson has released a new television spot (actually, it is two spots, as the district straddles two media markets). Below is the East Bay Area version… … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Special Session on Current FY Budget Shortfall?

From reading newspaper accounts this morning, Governor Schwarzenegger is seriously looking at calling a special session of the state legislature to deal with the fact that the economic downturn that is taking place is created a much larger than expected negative impact on the current fiscal year state budget. It is not surprising that state government income would take a hit at the same time that the California economy does – the real question is how will Sacramento politicians deal with this issue.

If there is a special session to deal with what is essentially an out-of-balance state budget (remember, the one that was just passed?), we will be going right back into the polarized environment which delivered us such a late budget in the first place.

There will be two schools of thought – more cuts in government spending, or increasing “revenue” (i.e… taxes or borrowing). The former position is the correct prescription for California taxpayers, already suffering the effects of the economic downturn. The latter position will be that of the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Special Session on Current FY Budget Shortfall?

From reading newspaper accounts this morning, Governor Schwarzenegger is seriously looking at calling a special session of the state legislature to deal with the fact that the economic downturn that is taking place is created a much larger than expected negative impact on the current fiscal year state budget. It is not surprising that state government income would take a hit at the same time that the California economy does – the real question is how will Sacramento politicians deal with this issue.

If there is a special session to deal with what is essentially an out-of-balance state budget (remember, the one that was just passed?), we will be going right back into the polarized environment which delivered us such a late budget in the first place.

There will be two schools of thought – more cuts in government spending, or increasing “revenue” (i.e… taxes or borrowing). The former position is the correct prescription for California taxpayers, already suffering the effects of the economic downturn. The latter position will be that of the public employee unions… Read More

Ray Haynes

Kudos to the Governor

I have not been shy about criticizing the Governor when I thought he was wrong. I told him, when I met with him during the recall campaign, that I would tell him what I thought of his actions as Governor, either privately, if he let me, or publicly, if he chose to exclude me from his counsel. Since he surrounded himself relatively early on with people who thought my advice to the Governor would not be helpful to him, I was excluded from private counsel soon after he was elected. I then was forced to make my comments on the Governor’s actions public, since that was the only way I could communicate with him. That led to his staff taking a dim view of me, both while I was in office, and now that I am out. Since my involvement in politics comes from my commitment to the principles in which I believe, and not from a desire to get a paying job or even a desire to get something from my friends in politics, I have always had no problem criticizing the Governor when I thought he did wrong.

But I also believe that I should be equally quick to praise the Governor when he does something right. And so, my hat is off to the Governor for his record breaking… Read More

Meredith Turney

Department of Public Health Amends Marriage Licenses to Include “Bride” and “Groom” Again

Last week Pacific Justice Institute announced that it would sue the government on behalf of a Roseville couple whose marriage license was denied by the state for writing “bride” and “groom” on their same-sex-marriage-friendly license. Apparently the Department of Public Health didn’t want to remind voters of this major loss to heterosexual couples (the vast majority of those married) and announced on Friday that starting November 17, the marriage licenses will once again include “bride” and “groom.” However, each party will have the chance to choose their title, as “bride” and “groom” is an available option for each person.

It seems like every part of the government is tinkering with marriage these days—despite the people’s clear decision in favor of traditional marriage. The highest court overturns Proposition 22, the governor publicly denounces Proposition 8, the attorney general rewrites the ballot language to bias voters, and then the Department of Public Health alters… Read More

Mike Spence

Antelope Valley Press Endorses Proposition 8.

The media is extraordinarily opposing Proposition 8. The measure of course overturn the State Supreme Courts invalidation of the original Proposition 22 and restores the definition of marriage to that of one between a man and a woman.

One of the few papers to endorse it is now the Antelope Valley Press.

At least their is one paper in Los Angeles County that understands what this elections all about.… Read More

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