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Shawn Steel

Dana TV Ads

Someone at Gillard’s shop is doing some nice TV ads for Dana.

Because he listens to his voters.

Academy actor Jon Voight [ Angelina Jolie’s dad] is doing two fundraisers this weekend in Palos Verdes for Dana.

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Jon Fleischman

California GOP Group Funds Hard Hit on Democrat Udall in Colorado

Yes, you read the title correctly. The Lincoln Club of Orange County, California, continues to be a leader nationally. One of the hottest U.S. Senate races in the Country is taking place in Colorado, where liberal Democrat Congressman Mark Udall is in a battle with conservative former Congressman Mark Schaeffer.

The Club for Growth’s political action arm (cleverly called "") has made a new ad buy in Colorado, blasting Udall for his support of eminent domain abuse. You can see the ad below. The Orange County Lincoln Club is a major sponsor of this advertising buy, sending $75,000 to enhance the buy on cable stations throughout Colorado.

“The Lincoln Club fiercely opposes eminent domain abuse and has always fought for the protection of private property rights,” said Lincoln Club President Richard K. Wagner. “By supporting Club for… Read More

Mike Spence

Los Angeles Times Confuses Veterans Bond and Abortion

Cutbacks at the Los Angeles Times seem to be taking their toll. LAist has the story on Proposition 4 creating mortgage opportunities for Veterans. Problem is that Prop. for is a Family involvement law for teenage girls and Prop. 12 is the Veterans Bond. Ouch.

Glad I don’t make mistakes that people can read.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Senator McCain – It’s Time to make a “Strategic Withdrawal” of your “Economic Resurgence” Plan

I am going to go out on a limb here. I’m willing to wager that there isn’t one member of the Editorial Board of the Wall Street Journal that wants Senator Barack Obama to be President of the United States. In fact, this group of uber-informed intellectuals understands all too well exactly how detrimental the economic policies that would be passed by the Reid/Pelosi-led Congress and signed by a President Obama would be for America.

So you have to ask yourself this question. How could Senator John McCain possibly do anything that would cause these folks to pen a column critical of McCain in any way this close to the election. Frankly, if you are John McCain, given the alternative of Obama, you should be able to expect some pretty favorable coverage on the opinion pages of the Journal. In fact, you would have to dream up some sort of absolutely outrageous policy proposal that flies in the face if free markets and individual liberty and responsibility – and takes us down a path that one would… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Senator McCain – It’s Time to make a “Strategic Withdrawal” of your “Economic Resurgence” Plan

I am going to go out on a limb here. I’m willing to wager that there isn’t one member of the Editorial Board of the Wall Street Journal that wants Senator Barack Obama to be President of the United States. In fact, this group of uber-informed intellectuals understands all too well exactly how detrimental the economic policies that would be passed by the Reid/Pelosi-led Congress and signed by a President Obama would be for America.

So you have to ask yourself this question. How could Senator John McCain possibly do anything that would cause these folks to pen a column critical of McCain in any way this close to the election. Frankly, if you are John McCain, given the alternative of Obama, you should be able to expect some pretty favorable coverage on the opinion pages of the Journal. In fact, you would have to dream up some sort of absolutely outrageous policy proposal that flies in the face if free markets and individual liberty and responsibility – and takes us down a path that one would expect from Barack… Read More

Mike Spence

LAUSD Measure Q Flunks Taxpayer Protection Test.

LAUSD has placed a $7 billion Dollar bond on the ballot. I know there are a lot of bonds on the ballot, but this is the “worst” in California.

Los Angeles Unified has already passed four multi-billion dollar bonds in the last ten years. FOUR! The money doesn’t run out until 2012.

This bond contains billions that are not school-specific, and allows the board to spend on almost anything it wants. Lsush fund for pet projects anyone?

This is the best. According to the Daily News over the last six years, as the number of students and teachers declined, the district increased its non-teaching staff by 20%.

Less teachers, less students and more bond money. Only makes sense in LAUSD.

Cross posted at Red County.… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

My Tuesday Rant

State Senator Dean Florez (Blowhard) – Bakersfield, actually proposed that the State’s retirement system, CALPERS, "invest" in the State’s debt, in a letter to State Treasurer Bill Lockyer (D). Lockyer, whose been hiding from the media during the State’s budget crisis, had no immediate comment, but he had to be thinking: "why would CALPERS jump onthe Titanic when she’s already halfway down?

Florez, who’s mom is running for Assembly against Republican Danny Gilmore, reputedly was an "investment banker" in Shafter for about 30 seconds before he decided to become a lifetime politician. Given the intellectual validity of his proposal, which is uh, zero, its not hard to see why he chose politics. Its the easiest way to "invest" everyone else’s money.

The fact is, there isn’t a market for California’s paper (for those of you in Sacramento, that mean "debt") because California has been run into the ground by Gray Davis and Arnold Schwarzenegger, with a cast of willing Democrats in the Legislature pushing higher spending the entire way. Oh sure, there were a… Read More

Jon Fleischman


Apparently the Prison Guards screwed up when they filed their draft Recall petition with the Secretary of State (for those just in from Mars Station, the Prison Guard Union is threatening a recall attempt on Governor Schwarzenegger — who is playing hard ball in negotiations with this public employee union).

The law requires that the rebuttal argument filed by the subject of the recall be included in the petition — but the Prison Guards left it out. Whoops.

I guess they will have to try again… Somehow I want to have as the take-away from this story that it is time to start privitizing prisons, and move guards off of the rolls of public employees. But since I am not Bob Salladay, I can’t connect the dots between unrelated items like he can.… Read More

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