Monday Miscellany
LAST DAY TO REGISTER Have you registered to vote? TODAY is the last day for you to register to vote for this year’s Presidential election. So if you haven’t done so, yet, then mosey on over to the post office and pick up a voter registration form… Of course, registering to vote is only ½ of your commitment. You also have to actually cast your ballot – we recommend that you also pick up an absentee ballot application as well, and vote from the convenience of your own home! Of course, we also urge you to vote for candidates who promote smaller government, individual liberty and individual responsibility.
PROP. 2 – THE PROPOSTEROUS PROPOSITION I’ve heard this measure referred to as “human rights for chickens” as this measure, financed by the Humane Society of America, seeks to improve “living conditions” for chickens. OK, maybe I am the only one… Read More