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Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary – Charles Gallagher on Prop. 4

There are a host of initiatives on the November ballot. I would submit that there is none that is more important than Proposition 4, which would require parental notification before a minor could obtain an abortion. As we move into the final home stretch, I am pleased to offer this guest commentary from the Campaign Manager for Prop. 4, Charles Gallagher…

PROP. 4 – CALIFORNIANS AND THEIR GOVERNMENT by Charles Gallagher Prop 4 is ahead in the polls. The undecided vote is large enough that if we win 1 out of every 3 undecided voter, Prop 4 wins. Our focus is to communicate and reach out to those undecideds. Turnout will be higher amongst undecideds than in either 2005 or 2006 (when a similar measure appeared on theRead More

Matt Rexroad

Don’t believe the hype

There is no doubt that Democrats are poised to have a good year. Nobody that reads this blog regularly would deny that. We are political junkies.

Here is the problem. Some of the Democrats are making lots of noise about seats they have no chance of securing. We have heard rumors of them coming after seats like AD 36 (Runner/Knight) and AD 38 (Smyth).

Both of these campaigns have done checks in the last few days and found comfortable double digit leads.

In 2006 Smyth won by almost 20 points. Sharon Runner won by 24 points.

Will Smyth and Knight win by that much this year? No. Will they win by double digits? Absolutely — and I am happy to put some money on it.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Assemblyman Mike Duvall supports Domestic Violence?

Democrat John MacMurray is hoping that a tsunami-sized Obama wave washes across California, and even into the very Republican 72nd Assembly District in Orange County.

MacMurray, the Democrat nominee facing off against incumbent Assemblyman Mike Duvall (pictured), has dropped a full color mailing (see links below to piece) where he bangs on the Republican for a host of "bad" votes, one of which implies that Duvall opposes "Domestic Violence Protection."

On one hand, you might say that it would have to be a terrible year, indeed, for a Republican in this VERY Republican seat to lose. Then again, some pundits are predicting a very bad year for the GOP. MacMurray is counting on it. That said, Duvall’s got deep pockets. Makes you wonder if, in this particular year, he’ll reach in a fund a few mailers. He is, after all, in the insurance business.

As a funny aside, this website… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Afternoon Reading

Two stories of note.

Over at Roll Call, this article shows that there may be a silver lining to a GOP rain cloud this year. More on the rain cloud.

Over at the Sacramento Bee’s Capitol Alert, the opponents to Prop. 11 have been caught in double-print (the written form of double-speak).… Read More

Jon Fleischman

$500 Reward Offered by State GOP for info on Sign Stealers

You have to ask yourself what kind of LOSERS go out and steal campaign signs. Stealing signs is not only LAME, it is also a violation of law, and an infringement of the First Amendment rights of others. Well, the California Republican Party is offering a $500 reward for information leading to the arrest and prosecution of the LOSERS who you can see sign-stealing in this video… (Can you help finding the culprits? If so let me know.

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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Vote Yes on Prop. 11 – Custom Made For GOP Gain

As we approach the general election, I have to tell you that no vote that one of the most important votes that any conservative in this state can cast is a vote in support of Proposition 11.

By passing Proposition 11, Californians will be making it possible to add more conservatives to the legislature than ever before. That’s right – despite all of the rhetoric of misguided Prop. 11 supporters, who somehow believe that this measure will end partisanship in Sacramento – it will not. But what it will do is add more Republicans into the mix, giving us more votes to stop spending increases, tax increases and the growth in government that we have seen at the hands of the liberal Democrats who control the institution.

Ironically, a trip to the Yes on 11 website allows you to peruse quotes from officials of groups like theRead More

Jon Fleischman

Vote Yes on Prop. 11 – Custom Made For GOP Gain

As we approach the general election, I have to tell you that no vote that one of the most important votes that any conservative in this state can cast is a vote in support of Proposition 11.

By passing Proposition 11, Californians will be making it possible to add more conservatives to the legislature than ever before. That’s right – despite all of the rhetoric of misguided Prop. 11 supporters, who somehow believe that this measure will end partisanship in Sacramento – it will not. But what it will do is add more Republicans into the mix, giving us more votes to stop spending increases, tax increases and the growth in government that we have seen at the hands of the liberal Democrats who control the institution.

Ironically, a trip to the Yes on 11 website allows you to peruse quotes from officials of groups like theRead More

James V. Lacy

Boehner calls for cut-off in ACORN funds; liberal election lawyers going nuts

House Republican Leader John Boehner today urged the Administration to cut-off funds to ACORN, the "nonprofit" group accused of voter fraud on behalf of Democrats in 12 states, that has received$31 million from the Federalgovernment in the past nine years.

"It is evident that ACORN is incapable of using Federal funds in a manner consistent with law," said Boehner, echoing my calls over the weekend publishedin the Christian Science Monitor that ACORN has become, essentially, a racketeering outfit by virtue of voter fraud claims so bad, one person was registered to vote by them over 70 times in an Obama-leaning precinct in Ohio.

Liberal election lawyers are fit-to-be-tied on the election law blogs about the recent ACORN revelations. (Some must be paid by ACORN or its subsidiaries!) Their rationalizations for ACORN range from "they are a central organization overseeing nonprofits" to "failure to be tax exempt is not uncommon for a nonprofit." ACORN claims to be a "nonprofit" but can’t produce an "IRS tax determination letter"… Read More

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