Sunday San Diego: City Attorney Dust-Up Now Officially Fun
Incumbent Democrat City Attorney Mike Aguirre is on the ropes in perhaps the highest profile local election contest San Diegans have seen in years. Challenger Jan Goldsmith is receiving support from many diverse interests and groups, including the local GOP, all of them withone common goal: The insanity of Aguirre must end. Here’s the latest from the Lincoln Club of San Diego:
LCSDCounty Launches “Spike Mike” Website & Made-for-TV Video
San Diego, CA – October 21, 2008 The Lincoln Club of San Diego County announced today the launch of a website intended to highlight the host of reasons why voters in San Diego ought to oust incumbent City Attorney Mike Aguirre from office on November 4th.
The website, entitled www.spikemike.com, features a brand new 30-second, made-for-TV video on its homepage that encourages the viewer to “go with your instincts . . . spike Mike” on Election Day.
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